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Re: question on messages

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Subject: Re: question on messages
From: francois bousquet (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 09:12:34 CET


This has been fixed.

Change the CormasModel initObjects method code

 self class passiveClasses
   [:a |
      (a inheritsFrom: Msg)
    ifFalse: [a CurrentId: 0.
self perform: ('the' , a name asString , 's:') asSymbol with:
OrderedCollection new]]

> hello.
> i have some trouble with using the initObjects method.
> i have a message and a simple object in my passive
> class. when i use the initObjects method, an error
> occurs on the initialization of the message. i
> thought by adding a class variable of CurrentId to the
> class of the message, it would solve the problem.
> however, another problem came out. what should i do to
> avoid this problem with initObjects?
> thanks.
> paolo
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