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Fwd: [Scelist] Call for Papers: Complex Multi-agent interaction dynamics (fwd)

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Subject: Fwd: [Scelist] Call for Papers: Complex Multi-agent interaction dynamics (fwd)
From: Stanislas Boissau (
Date: dim mai 19 2002 - 06:07:03 CEST

>From: Hans Amman <>
>To: Scelist <>
>cc: Ric Herbert <>
>Subject: [Scelist] Call for Papers: Complex Multi-agent interaction
>dynamics (fwd)
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>Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 17:27:48 +0200
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>Call for Papers: Complex Multi-agent interaction dynamics
>Please forward this call for papers to any relevant lists or individuals
>The journal Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (DDNS) is producing
>a special issue on the topic of "Complex multi-agent interaction
>DDNS's main field of interest is the use of nonlinear difference
>equations to model complex phenomena in natural and social systems.
>However, the rise in computer processing power, and the development of
>powerful parallel processing hardware and software, has made it possible
>to model many complex systems as the result of the interactions of
>discrete agents.
>This special issue of DDNS will focus exclusively upon this approach to
>system modelling. Papers will be considered on any and all topics, so
>long as the paper meets the parameters of using interactive multiple
>agent systems to generate or explain complex systems.
>While it is expected that the majority of papers will report on computer
>simulations of complex systems, we will also consider papers that
>consider the philosophical and methodological issues involved, or that
>consider the relationship of this approach to modelling to more
>traditional techniques (such as systems of difference or differential
>equations). Book reviews are also invited.
>The editors for this special issue are:
>Steve Keen, University of Western Sydney:
>Ric Herbert, University of Newcastle:
>Russell Standish, University of New South Wales:
>Papers should be no more than 6,000 words in length (2,000 words for
>book reviews), and should where possible include colour reproductions of
>any graphics (DDNS frequently prints high quality colour plate
>Submitted papers should use the following format:
>* Electronic submission, either by anonymous ftp to:
><> ; or
> by email attachment to the editors for this special issue
>PDF is the preferred file format (check with the editors before
>submitting files in any other format apart from PDF or Microsoft Word);
>Two files must be submitted: One an abstract noting author(s),
>affiliations, & physical and email addresses; a second file containing
>the submitted paper plus abstract, without authorship details;
>File names should follow the convention
>DDNS_PrimaryAuthorSurnameAbstract & DDNS_PrimaryAuthorSurname; these
>will be changed to a numerical naming system when sent to referees;
>Headers and footers should identify the paper title, page number etc.,
>but should not mention author names;
>Limitations should be placed on the quality of any graphics to keep file
>size below 2 megabytes;
>The deadline for paper submission is August 31st, 2002.
>About the Journal
>DDNS is an refereed international multidisciplinary research and review
>journal, published 4 times a year by Gordon and Breach Harwood Science
>Publications, which is a Member of the Taylor & Francis Group. For more
>information, please consult the journal's Web Page:
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