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Re: Doubts

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Subject: Re: Doubts
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: jeu mar 21 2002 - 11:32:15 CET


Thank you for your interest in Cormas.

Maria das Gracas Bruno Marietto wrote:

> To: CORMAS Team
> First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Maria das
> Gracas Bruno Marietto and I am working in a
> research project at Sao Paulo University, Brazil.
> Right now I am analyzing some DAI testbeds, including CORMAS. I have
> some doubts about CORMAS, and I would like your help. The questions are:
> 1) Does CORMAS work with mechanisms like white pages (Agent Name
> Service) and middle agents (brokers and matchmakers)?

No, Cormas is not a framework that proposes this kind of services :
It provides general agent facilities and allows high heterogeneity in agent
architectures, but
it places no constraints on the internal architecture of agents. An agent is

intentionally generic to allow agent
designers to adopt the most accurate definition of agent-hood relative to
their application. The agent designer is
responsible for choosing the most appropriate agent model as internal

> 2) What is the time model adopted by CORMAS? For instance, is it
> possible to simulate years, days, hours, etc?

Hummm... yes, but I don't quit understand the question. The scheduler in
Cormas controls the activities of the agents (it's not, for the moment
multi-threading simulations), so, you can say that a time step simulates a
minute or a year...

> 3) Does CORMAS use some security mechanism (authentication, integrity,
> certification, etc)?


> 4) What about the scalability in CORMAS?

I don't quit understand this question, also... sorry !

> 5) Does CORMAS have mechanisms to make sensibility analysis in the
> simulations?

Cormas can be linked with data bases. But for the moment, there is no tools
to facilitate sensibility analysis.
BUT, it will change with the next release of Cormas in April !

> 6) How does CORMAS work with the reuse question?

Many of the models build upon Cormas are available with the source code.

We conduct research on modelling and especially on renewable resource
management and the environment.
Cormas is a tool for modellers and specialists on a domain; it is dedicated
to several scientists working on natural resource management. Some of them
conducts research in the field of ecological systems within economic
frameworks. The others are involved in the management of common property,
particularly renewable natural resources.
I hope having answer to your questions.
Best regards,

    Pierre BOMMEL

* Pierre Bommel                      *
* CIRAD TA 60/15                     *
* 73, rue Jean-François Breton       *
* 34398 Montpellier cedex 5 France   *
* Phone: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 53        *
* Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 27          *
*             *

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