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Re: Parameters and sensibility analisys

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Subject: Re: Parameters and sensibility analisys
From: Pierre Bommel (
Date: mar mar 19 2002 - 16:31:56 CET

Hello Bernardo,

No, this is not an innocent question : we must add tools in Cormas to
facilitate sensibility analysis. But unfortunately, this is not the case
for the moment : except for some specific models (for which the modeler
build this kind of tools), you have to edit the code of the classes to
change the value of the attributs.
Kind regards,


> Sorry for the innocent questions we are introducing to the Cormas
  and we have a very short time to take a desition. Is there a way
  in cormas to change the model parameters before every runwhithout
  editing programing language? Using a dialog box for example? or a
  matrix?We need to do it for a sensibility analyse of the
  parameters and for run various scenarios insted we work with
  farmers (who propose alot of scenarios) involveds in the process
  we simulate (quinoa production and marketing in Bolivia). Reading
  the Cormas User's guide (August 2000) I did not found how to do
  it. Thankyou in advance for the help. Bernardo
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* Pierre Bommel                      *
* CIRAD TA 60/15                     *
* 73, rue Jean-François Breton       *
* 34398 Montpellier cedex 5 France   *
* Phone: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 53        *
* Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 27          *
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