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Subject: MAS GIS job
From: francois_bousquet (
Date: ven fév 15 2002 - 08:34:33 CET

Title: Research in GeoInformatics
Research Associates in GeoInformatics (3 posts)


Department of Computer Science

Two fixed-term 3-year posts are available on the European Community Framework V IST project "SPIRIT : Spatially-Aware Information Retrieval on the Internet", funded under the Semantic Web Technologies action line.

One 2-year post is on the EPSRC project "Multi-Agent Systems for Active Maps" (Project 2) and partly on SPIRIT.

Further details of the positions are listed below, while a more detailed summary of the SPIRIT project can be found at

Salary: £17,461 - £26,229 per annum.

The closing date is 1st March 2002, but recruitment will start on15th February 2002.

Informal enquiries can be made to Prof. Chris Jones, email ;

Tel +44 (0)29 2087 4796; .

Enquiries regarding the application procedure may be addressed to the Personnel Division, telephone: + 44 (0) 29 2087 4017 or email quoting the vacancy number 016.

An application form can be downloaded from


Project 1: SPIRIT : Spatially-Aware Information Retrieval on the Internet

The SPIRIT project is dedicated to the development of search engine technology that recognises geographical terminology. Each of the SPIRIT posts at Cardiff will be concerned with some of the following topics: i) the overall architecture of a spatially-aware search engine; ii) design and implementation of ontologies that model the terminology and structure of geographic space, with emphasis upon place names and administrative and topographic hierarchies; iii) procedures for term expansion, for information retrieval, based on geographical ontologies; iv) implementation of text-based user interfaces for a spatially-aware search engine; v) techniques for representing imprecise regions within the geographical ontology.

The project involves partners at the Universities of Sheffield, Utrecht, Hannover and Zurich and at the Institut Geographique National in Paris. The work will require collaboration with researchers at these institutions.

Project 2: Multi-Agent Systems for Active Maps

This EPSRC-funded project is concerned with the development of agent technology to support the creation of active maps for purposes of geographical information retrieval, particularly on the internet. Agent technology is required for two types of functionality. Information retrieval agents will be associated with map features that will engage in dialogs with users and will modify their graphical representation in response to the needs of cartographic communication. Cartographic agents will ensures that the map remains clearly legible as changes take place in the level of geometric detail and semantic abstraction. The successful applicant will be required to work on the development in Java of the multi-agent software platform that will facilitate experiments in interactive dialog design and in graphical conflict resolution with map-feature agents. The work of this post will focus on the user interaction and information retrieval aspects of the system, including the pro! vision of an ontology that encodes geographical concepts.

Research Associate Job Description

You will be required to

  1.. Carry out research in the field of geoinformatics, under the direction of Professor Chris Jones, to meet specific project objectives.
  2.. Write software and carry out data management tasks in support of the research objectives.
  3.. Write articles on the subject of the research for submission to conferences and journals.
  4.. Give presentations on your work at progress meetings and at conferences.
  5.. Assist in the maintenance of public and internal web pages that document the research project.
  6.. Liaise and co-operate positively with other researchers working on the same project.
  7.. Contribute to the preparation of progress reports relating to various aspects of the project.
Research Associate Person Specification

You will have:

  1.. A strong background in computer science with experience and competence in object-oriented software development, including Java.
  2.. A research degree qualification, or equivalent experience, at a minimum to masters level but preferably to PhD level.
  3.. Good skills in report writing and presentation in English.
  4.. Ability to work effectively and co-operatively as part of a research team.
  5.. Experience in some of the following areas:
  a.. Development and use of geographical information systems;
  a.. Spatial database development;
  b.. Information retrieval;
  c.. Semantic modelling;
  d.. Internet technology;
  e.. Multi-agent systems;
  f.. User interfaces;
  g.. Advanced database technology.

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