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Fw: Modelling the forest margin, Harare, 13-15 February 2002 - 2nd announcement

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Subject: Fw: Modelling the forest margin, Harare, 13-15 February 2002 - 2nd announcement
From: francois_bousquet (
Date: mar déc 18 2001 - 12:03:53 CET

> Symposium announcement and second call for papers
> New insights from participatory modelling of interactions at the forest
> Harare, Zimbabwe, 13-15 February 2002
> Note
> * twenty papers have proposed
> * several abstracts received, soon visible at
> * still time to register your interest, or offer a paper
> An understanding of the interactions among diverse social and ecological
> is an essential prerequisite for those who wish to influence land use at
> margin, or the welfare of people who live there. The rich complexity of
> interactions is a challenge for those who study communities at the forest
> margin. Participatory modelling offers one way to deal with the many
> and interactions involved, and has been greatly facilitated by modelling
> environments like Simile ( and Cormas
> ( However, innovative ideas and
> case studies are more conspicuous than success stories in which
> modelling has lead to improvements in the well-being of rural communities.
> symposium brings together practitioners to share experiences, document
> achievements and insights, and identify opportunities and obstacles for
> influential modelling processes. Specific emphasis will be given to the
> practical applications of these tools.
> Researchers and practitioners are invited to participate in the Symposium,
> are encouraged to register their interest (see below). All participants
> encouraged to submit a paper for inclusion in the preceedings, and may be
> invited to give an oral or poster presentation. Selected papers will be
> for journal publication. Abstracts should be submitted by end December
> Full papers are required by 18 January 2002 for inclusion in the
> For further information, check our web site at
> or contact Hilton Madevu ( or Fax +263 4 369657).
> Please circulate this announcement to others who may be interested.
> Jerry Vanclay, Southern Cross University, Australia
> Ravi Prabhu, Center for International Forestry Research, Zimbabwe
> Fergus Sinclair, University of Wales, United Kingdom
> ----------
> If you have not already registered, and you plan to participate, please
> the following details:
> Name:
> Institution:
> Address:
> Phone:
> Fax:
> Email:
> Do you wish to present a paper?
> Title of proposed paper:
> Your co-authors:

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