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Re: Grid programming

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Subject: Re: Grid programming
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: lun nov 26 2001 - 19:38:55 CET

Dear Damien,

You should rather directly write this instruction:
    self space interface eightconnexe

Would you like to change programmatically the boundary conditions,
you could write:
    self space interface closed or self space interface torroidal

Have a look at the methods in the "actions topologie reguliere" of
the VueInterface class. For the next Cormas version (that should be
released in Feb 2002), the programming of the spatial grid has been
cleaned-up, and a single generic method implemented at the level of
the spaceModel will be available, so that from any #init method of
your model, it will be possible to change directly any topological properties.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jourdain, Damien <D.JOURDAIN@CGIAR.ORG>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 4:34 PM
Subject: Grid programming

> Dear all,
> In the same vein than a previous question regarding programming the grid
> size at the beginning of a simulation session.
> Since we know how to define the size, it is tempting to try to program the
> whole topology of the grid.
> For example, by default the grid appear in connectivity four and torroidal
> space. What if i want to program a eight connectivity ... closed space ?
> For example, I added the following method
> eightConnex
> self space connexitePatch: #eight.
> self space interface actionValideDimensionGrille
> and added
> self eightConnex. in the init method of the model.
> It seems to work (the connectivity is really 8, and the window bar show an 8
> instead of a 4) , but when you go inside the menu (Topology -->Cell Shape
> --> Square --> 4 connexe) is still active. I suppose I did something wrong
> and that I will have to pay for it somewhere along the line ...
> Of course another solution would be to be able to program the automatic
> loading of an environment file?
> Damien
> Damien Jourdain
> CIMMYT-CIRAD / Economics Program
> Apdo Postal 6-641
> 06600 Mexico D.F.
> Mexico
> Tel.: + 52 (55) 58 04 20 04 poste 22 38
> Fax: + 52 (55) 58 04 75 58
> e-mail:

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