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AEMAS'01 - Call for Papers

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Subject: AEMAS'01 - Call for Papers
From: Olivier BARRETEAU (
Date: lun avr 02 2001 - 12:35:36 CEST

>Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 18:10:48 +0100 (WET)
>From: Jean Charlet <>
>Subject: AEMAS'01 - Call for Papers
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>Dear Colleague,
>Apologies if you receive this messages more
>than once.
>Best wishes,
> Angelica Munoz
> Call for Papers
> AEMAS'01: Adaptability and Embodiment
> using Multi-Agent Systems
> Workshop of ACAI '01
> Prague, CZ., July 7th, 2001
> *** New deadline for Papers Submission: April 15th, 2001 ***
>Aim of the Workshop
>The notions of adaptability and embodiment are key concepts of
> living systems. These notions are also important when designing
> adaptive multi-agents systems (MAS). MAS are systems composed
> of multiple autonomous entities that inhabit a dynamic and
> unpredictable environment and usually have goals. We define
> adaptability as the property of a MAS to improve its competence
> based on its experience. Embodiment is the ability for such a
> system, to setup a self- representation in the environment. The
> problem of generation and maintenance of an "image" of itself
> is a deep question in the design of artifacts. A large and
> diverse community is concerned with this problem: AI, DAI,
> Alife, Robo- tics, Agents and so on. MAS approach is a very
> appropiate approach to study these notions, because we need
> very flexible systems, which are able to modify the
> relationships between their components and determine their
> behavior in an emergent way.
>This workshop aims at promoting the discussion about the meaning
> and the role of adaptability and embodiment in MAS, providing
> and open forum for exchanging ideas and research results.
>Selected topics include, but are not limited to:
> - Perception with MAS
> - Image and Vision for MAS
> - Body images in MAS
> - Embodied MAS
> - Embodied cognition in MAS
> - Self-sufficiency and self-awareness in MAS
> - Tools for self-representation in MAS
> (i.e. morphology, representation of "emergence")
> - Adaptive architectures for MAS
> - Bodily experiences in MAS (for real and simulated environments).
>We encourage the submission of position papers discussing one
> issue (is embo- diment a concept or a running process?, is the
> distinction between high-level cognition and low-level
> cognition processing necessary for embodiment?, is there a
> distinction between social embodiment and self-embodiment?, is
> the world the best model for behavior and embodiment?).
>We strongly discourage standard extended abstracts which are pure
> descriptions of a prototype.
>The workshop will consist of:
> - Oral sessions of accepted papers
> - A discussion session
>Submission Format
>The submission should be in Postcript or Portable Document
> Format, and be sent by e-mail to by April
> 15th, 2001. The page length is limited to 10 pages and the
> paper should be in Springer Verlag's llncs format. For details,
> see the Springer web page at
>Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April
> 30th, 2001. Selected papers will be published by Springer
> Verlag in a volume of the ACAI'01 proceedings which will be
> available after the workshop.
>Summary of Important Dates
> Deadline for Papers Submission: April 15th, 2001
> Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: April 30th, 2001
> Camera-ready papers: May 15th, 2001
> Early registration deadline for ACAI: May 15th, 2001
> Workshop Date: July 7th, 2001
>The Workshop Organization Committee
>Alain Cardon, Jean-Pierre Briot
>Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6
>The Workshop Program Committee
>Kerstin Dautenhahn, University of Hertfordshire, UK
>Les Gasser, University of Illinois, USA
>Yves Demazeau, IMAG, France
>Toru Ishida, University of Kyoto, Japan
>Jean-Pierre Müller, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
>Alexis Drogoul, LIP6, France
>Angelica Munoz-Melendez
>Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6
>Case Courrier 169, 4 Place Jussieu
>75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
>Voice. +33 (0) 1 44 27 87 48 / Fax. +33 (0) 1 44 27 70 00
> Message émis par la liste d'information en Ingénierie des Connaissances
> <>
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> Responsables : Jean Charlet <>
> Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles <>

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