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Fw: New PhD thesis available

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Subject: Fw: New PhD thesis available
From: francois bousquet (
Date: mer mar 28 2001 - 23:34:41 CEST

> The following Ph.D. thesis is now available online:
> Title: Tag Based Co-operation in Artificial Societies
> Author: David Hales (University of Essex)
> Abstract: In human society behaviour is often shaped within and directed
> groups.
> What role can groups play in the evolution and maintenance of co-operation
> between
> simple boundedly rational agents? Such questions can now be addressed
> artificial
> societies of agents on computers. Three computational simulations of
> societies
> have been constructed and experimentation performed...
> The thesis can be found at:
> --
> David Hales, University of Essex, UK, tel:01206-535236,

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