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Tr: thesis on-line

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Subject: Tr: thesis on-line
From: François Bousquet (
Date: ven jun 30 2000 - 15:42:02 CEST

>I would like to inform you about the publication of my thesis,
>entitled ‘modelling consumer behaviour’ (promoter Prof. C.A.J.
>Vlek, referee Dr. M.A. Janssen). This thesis is published on the
>web (PDF format):
>{ HYPERLINK }http://docserver.ub.rug.
>In this thesis I describe a meta-model of behaviour, which
>integrates a number of behavioural theories. This meta-model is
>being used to develop a multi-agent simulation of consumer
>behaviour, the so-called ‘’consumat approach’’. The individual
>agents are equipped with a number of needs (2, 3 or 4), have
>different abilities, and may choose between different opportunities
>to satisfy their needs. An essential feature of the consumat
>approach is that the agents may employ 4 types of decision
>strategies: deliberation (rational actor), social comparison,
>repetition (habitual behaviour) and imitation, depending on their
>uncertainty and satisfaction.
>Experiments are directed on three issues: (1) behavioural
>dynamics in a simple resource management task, (2) phenomena
>of lock-in of consumption patterns, and (3) contrasting ‘’homo
>economicus’’ with ‘’homo psychologicus’’ in an ecological
>economic model.
>Those who prefer to receive a hard-copy of this thesis should
>contact me.
>News, new applications and work in progress concerning the
>consumat approach can be found at the consumat site:
>All the best
>Wander Jager
>Dr.Wander Jager
>Faculteit Bedrijfskunde Faculty of Business
>Cluster Marketing Dept. of Marketing
>Landleven 5
>Postbus 800
>9700 AV Groningen
>Tel: +00 (0)50 - 3634007 (direct)
> 3839 (secr.)

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