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Cormas last release

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Subject: Cormas last release
From: Christophe Le Page (
Date: mar jan 25 2000 - 19:10:03 CET

Since november 1999, Cormas may be downloaded from the Internet site

The Cormas release you will find at that place, cormas99, has been
successfully tested with VisualWorks 3.0
    - for the commercial version, under
        * Windows 95-98-NT,
        * Unix on Hp and Sparc workstations,
        * Mac
    - for the non-commercial version, under Windows 95-98-NT only.

Right now we are trying to fix some problems to make this release
run with VisualWorks 5i.

Because this new release is based on a new hierarchy of the Cormas generic
entities, you should build a new image from a copy of, as described
in section 1 of the Cormas Users' Guide.

If you are still working on your own model with a previous version of Cormas,
please send us ( your model as a Text File (use "File Out as"
of the corresponding category from a SystemBrowser) so that we can update
it. After that you will be able to import it in Cormas99 (see section 3.2 of
the Users' Guide).

Best regards,

Christophe Le Page
Campus International de Baillarguet
BP 5035 - 34032 Montpellier Cedex 1 - France
ph: +33 4 67 59 38 32 - fax: +33 4 67 59 38 27

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