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Tr: ContentsDirect - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 05390, Vol 25 Iss 3 -

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Subject: Tr: ContentsDirect - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 05390, Vol 25 Iss 3 -
From: François Bousquet (
Date: ven sep 29 2000 - 11:14:31 CEST


For those interesed in agents and economics there are several interesting
papers in that special issue of jedc. Among them one of the models Juliette
Rouchier developed for her phD at Cirad.
It is downloadable or you can ask me or Juliette for the pdf.

> ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science
> =====================================
>Journal: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
>ISSN : 0165-1889
>Volume : 25
>Issue : 3-4
>Date : Mar-2001
>Visit the journal at
>pp 281-293
>Introduction to the special issue on agent-based computational
>L. Tesfatsion^1
>pp 295-319
>Learning to speculate: Experiments with artificial and real agents
>J. Duffy
>pp 321-361
>Fuzzy inductive reasoning, expectation formation and the behavior of
>security prices
>N.S.P. Tay, S.C. Linn
>pp 363-393
>Evolving traders and the business school with genetic programming: A
>new architecture of the agent-based artificial stock market
>S.-H. Chen, C.-H. Yeh
>pp 395-417
>Evolutionary dynamics of currency substitution
>J. Arifovic
>pp 419-457
>Structure, behavior, and market power in an evolutionary labor market
>with adaptive search
>L. Tesfatsion
>pp 459-502
>Evolving market structure: An ACE model of price dispersion and
>A.P. Kirman, N.J. Vriend
>pp 503-526
>Agent-based computational transaction cost economics
>T.B. Klos, B. Nooteboom
>pp 527-559
>A multi-agent model for describing transhumance in North Cameroon:
>Comparison of different rationality to develop a routine
>J. Rouchier, F. Bousquet, M. Requier-Desjardins, M. Antona
>pp 561-592
>Experimental analysis of the efficiency of uniform-price versus
>discriminatory auctions in the England and Wales electricity market
>J. Bower, D. Bunn
>pp 593-614
>Quality signals in information cascades and the dynamics of the
>distribution of motion picture box office revenues
>A. De Vany, C. Lee
>pp 615-640
>Leveled commitment contracts with myopic and strategic agents
>M.R. Andersson, T.W. Sandholm
>pp 641-654
>Restart strategies and Internet congestion
>S.M. Maurer, B.A. Huberman
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