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Re: smallTalk programming a binomial function with mean = X?

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Subject: Re: smallTalk programming a binomial function with mean = X?
From: Serge Stinckwich (
Date: Wed Mar 18 2009 - 09:10:14 CET

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Mehdi Saqalli <> wrote:
> Hello to All!
> do someone can help us ?
> how to write a binomial function with a mean = X in SmallTAlk?

Hi Medhi,

first of all, this is Smalltalk and not SmallTAlk ;-)

If you want to learn Smalltalk, you can read the freely available book
"Squeak by example". There is an english version : and a french version also available :
You can buy the real book here :
This is not really expensive.

Squeak is an open-source Smalltalk. It's a bit different from
VisualWorks Smalltalk, but the core syntax is the same. I think you
could learn a lot by reading the first four chapters of this book

To reply more precisely to your question, i need to know what is a
binomial function since i'm not a statistic expert ;-)
You mean something like a binomial distribution like described here :

Best regards,

Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)]

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