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toroidal and closed boundaries

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Subject: toroidal and closed boundaries
From: François Rebaudo (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2008 - 21:19:09 CEST


I made a 6 per 6 cells agent-based system on a cellular automaton. The
cellular automaton represents the diffusion of a pest. The agent-based model
represents 6 farmers (each one in a 2 per 3 cells), which try to control the
pest. One agent can cooperate with an other in a 5 cells range.

First question:

I have an alert message "*The grid boundaries should be closed !!!*". When I
press OK it works but it's a problem for sensitivity analysis and
replicates. What could be the problem ?

Second question:

With toroidal boundaries the pest can diffuse as in an infinite environment
but does one agent in the top of my grid can call for help one in the
bottom, ie does toroidal boundaries apply to the cellular automaton and to
agents ? If it applies to both the cellular automaton and agents, How to
make it apply only to the cellular automaton ?

Thanks in advance.

François Rebaudo

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