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[CFP ]: MA4CS @ ECCS'07

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Subject: [CFP ]: MA4CS @ ECCS'07
From: Frédéric Amblard (
Date: Fri May 25 2007 - 21:52:03 CEST

Sorry for multiple receptions,

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Multi-Agents for modelling Complex Systems (MA4CS)

October 5th or 6th, 2007


Satellite conference of the

European Conference on Complex Systems  2007 (ECCS'07)

Dresden, Germany , October 1-6, 2007


Paper submission DEADLINE: June 30th, 2007

Goals and Topics


The aim of this workshop is to provide a focal forum for active researchers, practitioners, developpers involved in modelling complex systems using the multi-agents paradigm, from different disciplines (biology, economy, sociology, urbanism, cognitive science, computer science, etc). The idea behind this meeting is to cross-fertilize and foster research activities of these different domains. One first step to achieve with this workshop is to come up with hot issues raised in different disciplines for which multi-agents based modelling brings an interesting direction to face complexity. This first step is aimed to enhance multi-disciplinary cooperative research using multi-agents modelling. In particular, this workshop is aimed to address the following non-exhaustive list of issues:

·      Which answers are provided so far by the multi-agents paradigm in terms of theories, models, programming or simulation tools, to the problems raised by complex systems in different disciplines;

·      Which specific questions from the complex systems perspective, would like a specific domain (biology, cognitive sciences, computer science, economy, etc.) ask to the multi-agents community and which answers, inspirations could these disciplines bring to the multi-agents modelling and multi-agents based engineering?

·      Which general questions raised by complex systems, would one submit to the multi-agents research?

·      Multi-agents systems engineering from the perspective of complex systems raises important issues like convergence, emergence, self-organization, autonomy versus control, scalability, etc? How could complex systems theories help to address these issues?

·      Etc ,

In the context of this workshop, four thematic areas are of particular interests: Biology, Cognition, Socio-Economy, Information Technology and Computing. A technical track is associated to each thematic area.  Multi-agents systems are considered from the perspective of their potential to model complex systems in each of the specified disciplines  as well as from the perspective of the inspirations they could take from theses different domains, as a modelling/computing paradigm for complex systems.


·      Track 1 : Multi-Agents approaches for Biological Systems  / Biological inspirations for Multi-Agents Systems 
Chairs: Guillaume Beslon (LIRIS, INSA-Lyon, France), 
              Vincent Chevrier (LORIA, Univ. Nancy1, France)

·      Track 2 : Multi-Agents  approaches for Cognition / Cognition in Multi-Agents Sytems
    Catherine Garbay ( LIG - Institut IMAG, France),
                   Luis   Rocha (Complex Systems Group, Indiana University, USA)

·      Track 3:  Multi-Agents  approaches for Socio-Economical Systems / Socio-Economical Systems inspirations for MAS
Chairs:  F. Amblard ( IRIT, Université Toulouse I Sciences Sociales, France), 
              Denise Pumain (Laboratoire Géographie-cités, Univ.Paris 1, France)

·      Track 4 : Multi-Agents Sytems  from the perspective of Complex Systems for Computation 
Chairs:  Alessandro Ricci (DEIS, Università di Bologna, Italy)
             Salima Hassas (LIESP, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon1)



Each track is focused on both specific and more general questions raising from their associated disciplines for which the multi-agents modelling could bring an answer or raise new research issues in terms of theories, models, programming or simulation tools, from the complex system perspective.


Important Dates

·      Paper submission deadline:  June 30th, 2007

·      Notification of acceptance:  July   20th, 2007

·      Late breaking papers: July 30th, 2007

·      Registration to the sattelite conference : July 31th, 2007

·      Camera Ready August 31st, 2007

·      Conference day: October 4 or 5, 2007


Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages in the Springer-Verlag LNCS style, either in PostScript or PDF format. For those submitting papers in PDF format, please ensure that papers can be viewed by a standard reader. Thus we discourage the use of special character sets.

A late breaking papers session is organized after the notification of regular submissions, to offer the opportunity for submission of short contributions on ongoing work or prospective research work which content could raise interesting issues to discuss during the day of the conference
General Chairs
Pr. Salima Hassas
LIESP - Bat Nautibus
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1
43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Dr. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Computer Science and Information Systems
Birkbeck (University of London)
Malet Street
Room: SH - B37C
Dr. Denis Phan
University of Paris IV
Paris (France)
International Program Committee
- Arnaud Banos, Image et Ville, CNRS-ULP, Strasbourg, France
- Michael Batty , Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, CASA, UK
- Marie Beurton Aimar  LaBRI, Université Bordeaux1, France
- Christine Bourjot LORIA Nancy , France
- Olivier Brandouy,CLAREE, University of Lille 1, Computational finance & Management Sciences
- Charlotte Bruun, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Eric Daudé, MTG, University of Rouen, France
- Guillaume Deffuant, Cemagref, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Jean-Louis Dessalles, ENST, Paris, France
- Alexis Drogoul IRD & IFI/MSI, Hanoi , Vietnam
- Jacques Ferber, LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France
- Carlos Gershenson, Centrum Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Nigel Gilbert , University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- Marie-Pierre Gleizes, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, France
- David Hales, University of Bologna, Italy
- Denis Jouvin, LIRIS CNRS, UCB-Lyon 1, France
- Matthias Klusch, DFKI, Germany
- Pedro U. Lima, Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), Lisbon, Portugal
- Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
- Philippe Mathieu, LIFL, UPRESA University of Lille, France
- Ronaldo Menezes, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
- Jean-Pierre Muller , CIRAD & LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France
- Akira Namatame, Defense Academy, Japan
- James Odell, Intelligent Automation Inc., Ann Arbor, USA
- Andrea, Omicini, DEIS, Università di Bologna, Italy
- Van Parunak, Altarum Institute, USA
- Vitorino Ramos, Technical niversity of Lisbon, Portugal
- Omer Rana, University of Cardiff, UK
- Juliette Rouchier , GREQAM, CNRS - Université Méditerranée, France
- Fabrice Saffre BT Group CTO, Pervasive ICT Research Centre, Belgium
- Lena Sanders, Géographie-cités, University of Paris 1, France
- Enrico Scalas, East Piedmont University, Alessandria, Italy
- Robert Tolksdorf, Institut für Informatik, Freie Universität Berlin
- Paul Torrens , University of Arizona, USA
- Paul Valkenaers  K.U.Leuven , Belgium
- Franck Varenne, University of Rouen, France, GEMAS, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne Paris, France
- Rachel Wood, CCNR, Univ. Of SUssex, UK
- Murat Yidilzoglu, IFREDE-E3i, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France
- Franco Zambonelli, University of Bologna

Prof. Salima Hassas
Laboratoire LIESP, Batiment Nautibus, 
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 
69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Tel : (33)  4 72 43 27 90 
Fax : (33) 4 72 43 13 12

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