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Subject: (no subject)
From: Miao Wang (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2007 - 23:28:03 CET

We all know that 'self patch' is very useful for it connects an agent with the spatial entity it occupied. Now my question is :
Is there a simular method that connects an agent with the spatialEntitySet (such as the Aggregate) it occupied? For example, there are 3 buildings, each building is an aggregate of several rooms(basice spatialEntity), once an agent enters into a room which belongs to building A, he will make a record that he has been to building A, and next time he will not enter any of the rooms in building A. In this case the agent has to identify the aggregate he occupied and make a record for the aggregate.But I couldn't find a 'self patch ' method for aggregate.
Does anyone have any idea about it? Great thanks for your help!

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