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MODSIM 07 Special Session

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Subject: MODSIM 07 Special Session
From: Jean-Christophe Soulie (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2007 - 10:32:00 CET

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On behalf of MODSIM 07 Congress, we organize a special session called: "Social,
Economic and Ecological Modelling of Fisheries and Marine Resources"

Organiser: Dr. R. Little, and Jean-Christophe Soulie


As both the intensity and breadth of human utilisation in the marine environment
increases, understanding the natural patterns and processes and associated human
interactions in it is complex, but vitally important. As most of the marine
environment is unseen, and not conducive to cost-effective observational
science, modelling and simulation represents an effective means of developing a
better understanding of marine ecosystems by encapsulating and simplifying the
representation of our knowledge. For this session contributions are welcome
from basic and applied modelling of fisheries and marine natural resources.
This includes areas such as, stock assessment, ecosystem modelling, agent-based
modelling, and complex system science approaches along with decision support
systems, management strategy evaluation, and marine reserve design.


As for the other MODSIM sessions.


Jean-Christophe Soulie
Laboratoire d'Informatique du Littoral
Universite du Littoral Côte d'Opale
50, rue Ferdinand Buisson
BP. 719
62219 Calais Cedex

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