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running a Cormas model in batch mode ?

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Subject: running a Cormas model in batch mode ?
From: Claude Monteil (
Date: Sat Jan 20 2007 - 07:21:39 CET

Dear all,

in order to run a lot of simulations to analyze a Cormas model, I wish to
run it in batch mode rather than in interactive mode on other computers
than mine (Windows PC of colleagues or supercomputer in a computing
center). So I have two questions :

1/ how to gather in a script file the smalltalk instructions for
initializing and running a model :
- setting the init and the control procedure
- choosing all the defined probes
- setting an ascii output file by simulations, the name of the output
folder, and the number of repetitions of the simulation
- setting the value of some parameters
- and running the simulations

2/ how to launch visualworks and cormas in a command line runnig the
previous script file ?

Does anyone have some experience with this question ?

Thanking you in advance,
                     Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
               Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Toulouse
                        UMR 1201 DYNAFOR INRA-INPT/ENSAT
                  Equipe "Biodiversité dans les agro-écosystemes"
           FR 2576 "Fédération de Recherche en Ecologie de Toulouse"
responsable INPT du Master SIGMA (Science de l'Information Georeferencee
pour la Maitrise de l’environnement et l’Amenagement des territoires)
   Postal address : INP/ENSAT, BP 32607, 31326 - CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX
   Phone : +33(0)5 62 19 39 00 (ENSAT) / +33(0)5 62 19 39 24 (Monteil)
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