Multi-platform International Summer School
on Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation
for Renewable Resources Management

Montpellier (France), 8-19 September 2014


During the morning sessions, the principles, methods and technics of the design, implementation and exploration stages will be collectively taught. Specific points will be addressed according to the expectations and demands of the participants. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to personal applications: the trainers will support the participants in designing, implementing and fine-tuning their own agent-based model. The tentative programme can be downloaded here.


Specific time slots will be allocated to teach the graphical language UML as well as to introduce the generic platforms Cormas, Gama and NetLogo by demonstrating the same benchmark model. However, to facilitate the organization of the afternoon sessions, participants are requested to tick one of these three platforms in their application form (see below).


Pierre Bommel, François Bousquet, Christophe Le Page (CIRAD), Nicolas Becu (CNRS), Géraldine Abrami, Bruno Bonté (Irstea), Patrick Taillandier (Univ. Rouen), Benoît Gaudou (Univ. Toulouse).

Application procedure

Please fill this application form and send it to Christophe Le Page. by July 18, 2014 at the latest.


  • For students: 500 €
  • For others: 1000 €

These registration fees include coffee/tea during the day and a social dinner. Accomodation, meal and travel are not included.

For any further information, please contact Christophe Le Page.

Le Cirad Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
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