From VisualWorks®, Release 5i.4 of August 9, 2001 on June 28, 2002 at 4:17:50 pm Cormas CormasNS.Kernel UI.ApplicationModel false none reducedCommandsBar modelName eraseLinks viewWin obsWin visualStateWin definePatchWin defineCSEWin defineEntityWin defineObjectWin defineSchedulerWin defineCommWin displayCommWin defineChartsWin displayChartsWin stepCounter cycle currentSimulation currentModel defineObservation listPassiveEntities listSpatialEntities listSocialEntities simulationsManager runButton stepButton process displaySimNumber CormasKernel-Interface Rand CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas false false As yet unclassified CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class interface specs reducedCommandsBar "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #reducedCommandsBar" <resource: #canvas> ^#(#{UI.FullSpec} #window: #(#{UI.WindowSpec} #label: 'CORMAS' #min: #(#{Core.Point} 571 35 ) #max: #(#{Core.Point} 571 35 ) #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 282 380 853 415 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #white ) ) #isEventDriven: true ) #component: #(#{UI.SpecCollection} #collection: #( #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 391 6 430 30 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #stepCounter #alignment: #right #isReadOnly: true #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 352 8 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #time #defaultString: 'Horloge' ) ) #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 303 5 343 31 ) #model: #cycle #alignment: #right #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 119 5 189 32 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #runStepByStep #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #step #defaultString: 'Pas a pas' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 43 5 117 32 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #openScenarioBuilderWin #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #initialiser #defaultString: 'Initialiser...' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 193 5 280 32 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #runNSimulations #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #ntimes #defaultString: 'Lancer N fois' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 6 7 32 30 ) #model: #expandMainWindow #label: '<->' #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 242 324 ) #name: #Label2 #label: 'simulation' ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 446 8 ) #name: #Label1 #label: 'simulation' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 501 6 560 30 ) #name: #simButton2 #model: #openParametersWin #label: '0' #defaultable: true ) ) ) ) reducedWindow "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #reducedWindow" <resource: #canvas> ^#(#{UI.FullSpec} #window: #(#{UI.WindowSpec} #label: 'CORMAS' #min: #(#{Core.Point} 571 35 ) #max: #(#{Core.Point} 571 35 ) #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 402 381 973 416 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #white ) ) #isEventDriven: true ) #component: #(#{UI.SpecCollection} #collection: #( #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 391 6 430 30 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #stepCounter #alignment: #right #isReadOnly: true #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 352 8 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #time #defaultString: 'Horloge' ) ) #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 303 5 343 31 ) #model: #cycle #alignment: #right #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 119 5 189 32 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #runStepByStep #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #step #defaultString: 'Pas a pas' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 43 5 117 32 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #openScenarioBuilderWin #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #initialiser #defaultString: 'Initialiser...' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 193 5 280 32 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7044 7044 7044 ) ) #model: #runNSimulations #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #ntimes #defaultString: 'Lancer N fois' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 6 7 32 30 ) #model: #expandMainWindow #label: '<->' #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 242 324 ) #name: #Label2 #label: 'simulation' ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 446 8 ) #name: #Label1 #label: 'simulation' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 501 6 560 30 ) #name: #simButton2 #model: #openParametersWin #label: '0' #defaultable: true ) ) ) ) windowSpec "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec" <resource: #canvas> ^#(#{UI.FullSpec} #window: #(#{UI.WindowSpec} #label: 'CORMAS' #min: #(#{Core.Point} 394 423 ) #max: #(#{Core.Point} 394 423 ) #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 345 906 768 ) #flags: 4 #menu: #mainMenu #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #white ) ) #isEventDriven: true ) #component: #(#{UI.SpecCollection} #collection: #( #(#{UI.SequenceViewSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 139 56 256 147 ) #model: #listSocialEntities #callbacksSpec: #(#{UI.UIEventCallbackSubSpec} #doubleClickSelector: #modifySocialEntityClass ) #menu: #socialEntityMenu #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 166 33 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #sociales #defaultString: 'sociales!!!' ) #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 4 3 390 222 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #red ) ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #modelisation #defaultString: 'Modelisation!!' ) ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 132 363 220 386 ) #name: #run #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #black ) #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #run #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #launch #defaultString: 'Lancer!!!' ) #isDefault: false #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 324 360 369 386 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #stepCounter #alignment: #right #isReadOnly: true #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 286 361 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #time #defaultString: 'Current time-step' ) ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 115 247 155 286 ) #model: #openSpatialGrid #label: #defineSpaceIcon #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 19 178 171 203 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #black ) #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #openDefineSchedulerWin #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #preparecontrole #defaultString: 'Preparer et Controler!!!' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 174 247 214 286 ) #model: #openVisuCommunications #label: #defineCommunicationIcon #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 198 154 380 214 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #blue ) ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #defineobservation #defaultString: ' Definir l''observation...!!!' ) ) #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 221 362 267 386 ) #model: #cycle #alignment: #right #type: #number #formatString: '0' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 56 362 126 386 ) #name: #stepButton #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #black ) #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #runStepByStep #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #step #defaultString: 'Pas a pas' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 75 324 186 352 ) #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #black ) #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #openScenarioBuilderWin #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #initialiser #defaultString: 'Initialiser...' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 10 21 383 154 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #blue ) ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #defineentities #defaultString: 'Definir les entites !!!' ) ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 233 246 271 286 ) #model: #openCharts #label: #chartsIcon #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 11 154 180 214 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #blue ) ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #controletheevolution #defaultString: 'Controler l''evolution!!!' ) ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 133 362 220 386 ) #name: #runNSimulations #flags: 24 #isOpaque: true #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #black ) #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #runNSimulations #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #ntimes #defaultString: 'Lancer N fois' ) #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 15 300 381 396 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #red ) ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #cormasModel #defaultString: 'Simulation' ) ) #(#{UI.MenuButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 212 179 366 203 ) #model: #defineObservation #menu: #defineObsMenu ) #(#{UI.SequenceViewSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 17 56 134 147 ) #model: #listSpatialEntities #callbacksSpec: #(#{UI.UIEventCallbackSubSpec} #doubleClickSelector: #modifySpatialEntityClass ) #menu: #spatialEntityMenu #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.SequenceViewSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 260 56 377 147 ) #model: #listPassiveEntities #callbacksSpec: #(#{UI.UIEventCallbackSubSpec} #doubleClickSelector: #modifyPassiveEntityClass ) #menu: #passiveEntityMenu #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 40 33 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #spatiales #defaultString: 'spatiales!!!' ) #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 282 33 ) #label: #(#{Kernel.UserMessage} #key: #passives #defaultString: 'passives!!!' ) #style: #pixelLarge ) #(#{UI.GroupBoxSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 88 225 292 294 ) #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setForegroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #red ) ) #label: 'Visualisation' ) #(#{UI.ActionButtonSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 23 326 49 351 ) #model: #openReducedCommandsBar #label: '>-<' #defaultable: true ) #(#{UI.LabelSpec} #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 247 328 ) #name: #Label1 #label: 'simulation' ) #(#{UI.InputFieldSpec} #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 310 325 369 351 ) #name: #InputField1 #colors: #(#{UI.LookPreferences} #setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 6553 6553 6553 ) ) #model: #displaySimNumber #alignment: #right #isReadOnly: true ) ) ) ) CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class resources-icons chartsIcon "UIMaskEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #imageGraphiques" <resource: #image> ^CachedImage on: (Image extent: 26 @ 26 depth: 3 bitsPerPixel: 4 palette: (MappedPalette withColors: ((Array new: 8) at: 1 put: ColorValue black; at: 2 put: ColorValue white; at: 3 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 0 scaledGreen: 0 scaledBlue: 3699); at: 4 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 6605 scaledGreen: 6605 scaledBlue: 6605); at: 5 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 0 scaledGreen: 3699 scaledBlue: 0); at: 6 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 3699 scaledGreen: 3699 scaledBlue: 3699); at: 7 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 7662 scaledGreen: 0 scaledBlue: 0); at: 8 put: ColorValue blue; yourself)) usingBits: (ByteArray fromPackedString: '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDU@@@@@AL3L3L3L3L3L3L3MP@@@@@SL3L3L3L3L3L3L3T@@@@@D0@@@@@@@@@@@@@5@@@@@ALADQDQDQDQDQDPMP@@@@@S@QDQDQDREAXWDCT@@@@@D0DQDQDQD@@@@A@5@@@@@ALADQDQDQDQDQDPMP@@@@@S@AH"DQDQDQDQDCT@@@@@D0DRH!DQDQDQDQ@5@@@@@ALAD"HQDQDQE7\PMP@@@@@S@QH"DQDQDQ]7DCT@@@@@D0@RH!QDDQDW]1@5@@@@@ALAD"HTQADQE7\PMP@@@@@S@QH"EDPQDQ]7DCT@@@@@D0DRH!QDDQDW]1@5@@@@@AL@D"HTQAY&E7\PMP@@@@@S@QH"EDPVY!]7DCT@@@@@D0DRH!QDE&XW]1@5@@@@@ALAD"HTQAY&E7\PMP@@@@@S@QH"EDPVY!]7DCT@@@@@D0@@@@@@@@@@@@@5@@@@@AL3L3L3L3L3L3L3MP@@@@AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b')) defineCommunicationIcon "UIMaskEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #imageDefinirCommunication" <resource: #image> ^CachedImage on: (Image extent: 32 @ 32 depth: 2 bitsPerPixel: 2 palette: (MappedPalette withColors: ((Array new: 3) at: 1 put: ColorValue black; at: 2 put: ColorValue blue; at: 3 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 5548 scaledGreen: 5548 scaledBlue: 5548); yourself)) usingBits: (ByteArray fromPackedString: '******(@B******** @J********@@***(@B**(@B*** @J** @J***@@***@@***(@B***%**** @F***V****@@V**)Z****)ZV**%*****)ZV**V*****)ZV*)Z*****)ZV(@B*****)ZV @J*****)ZU@@******)ZT@B******)UP@J******)Z@@*******UZ********%)Z*******)Z)Z*******V*)Z******%**)Z****@@Z**)Z***(@B***)Z*** @J***@@***@@UUUT@B**(@AUUUP@J** @J***@@********(@B******** @J*********** @a')) defineSpaceIcon "UIMaskEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #imageDefinirEspace" <resource: #image> ^CachedImage on: (Image extent: 32 @ 32 depth: 3 bitsPerPixel: 4 palette: (MappedPalette withColors: ((Array new: 5) at: 1 put: ColorValue black; at: 2 put: ColorValue red; at: 3 put: ColorValue yellow; at: 4 put: ColorValue blue; at: 5 put: ColorValue green; yourself)) usingBits: (ByteArray fromPackedString: '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DQDQ@BH"H @3L3L@L3L3@ADQDP@ @BH@L3L3@CL3L0@QDQD@H@@"@CL3L0@3L3L@DQDQ@B@@H @3L3L@L3L3@ADQDP@"H"H@L3L3@CL3L0@QDQD@H"H"@CL3L0@3L3L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@QDQD@QDQD@ADQDPADQDP@DQDQ@DQDQ@@Q@@D@QDQD@ADQDPADQDP@DP@A@DQDQ@@QDQD@QDQD@AD@@PADQDP@DQDQ@DQDQ@@QDQD@QDQD@ADQDPADQDP@DQDQ@DQDQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ADQDP@3L3L@L3L3@DQDQ@@QDQD@L3L3@CL3L0ADQDP@DQDQ@CL3L0@3L3L@QDQD@ADQDP@3L3L@L3L3@DQDQ@@QDQD@L3L3@CL3L0ADQDP@DQDQ@CL3L0@3L3L@QDQD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H"H"@ADQDP@3L3L@QDQD@BH"H @QDQD@L3L3@DQDQ@@ @BH@DQDQ@CL3L0ADQDP@H@@"@ADQDP@3L3L@QDQD@B@@H @QDQD@L3L3@DQDQ@@"H"H@DQDQ@CL3L0ADQDP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b')) helpIcon "UIMaskEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #imageAide" <resource: #image> ^CachedImage on: (Image extent: 32 @ 32 depth: 1 bitsPerPixel: 1 palette: (MappedPalette withColors: ((Array new: 2) at: 1 put: (ColorValue scaledRed: 0 scaledGreen: 4112 scaledBlue: 4112); at: 2 put: ColorValue green; yourself)) usingBits: #[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 15 0 1 128 7 0 7 224 0 0 31 248 0 0 63 248 3 128 48 120 3 128 48 56 7 128 48 56 15 128 0 120 31 0 0 124 30 0 0 248 28 0 0 240 24 12 0 224 28 252 1 192 31 252 1 128 15 240 0 0 7 224 0 0 0 0 3 192 16 0 3 192 30 0 3 128 63 128 3 0 255 192 0 0 239 224 0 1 192 240 0 1 192 103 0 1 192 7 0 1 192 7 0 1 240 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0]) hourglass ^Cursor write asOpaqueImage CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class simulation-creation initialize AgentLocation isGenericEntity: true. AgentComm isGenericEntity: true. AgentCommLocation isGenericEntity: true. Group isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityElement isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityCell isGenericEntity: true. PassiveObject isGenericEntity: true. ObjectLocation isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntitySet isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityAggregate isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityNotConnex isGenericEntity: true CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class paths cormasPath ^SourceFileManager default targetFile logicalName directory dataPath: aModelClassName | modelPath dataPath | modelPath := self modelPath: aModelClassName. dataPath := modelPath construct: 'data'. dataPath asFilename exists ifFalse: [dataPath asFilename makeDirectory]. ^dataPath mapsPath: aModelClassName | modelPath mapsPath | modelPath := self modelPath: aModelClassName. mapsPath := modelPath construct: 'maps'. mapsPath asFilename exists ifFalse: [mapsPath asFilename makeDirectory]. ^mapsPath modelPath: aModelClassName | modelPath | modelPath := self modelsPath construct: aModelClassName asString. modelPath asFilename exists ifFalse: [modelPath asFilename makeDirectory]. ^modelPath modelsPath | cheminModeles | cheminModeles := self cormasPath construct: 'Models'. cheminModeles asFilename exists ifFalse: [cheminModeles asFilename makeDirectory]. ^cheminModeles CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class util_export export | fileManager fileName vL path defaultFileName | defaultFileName := (Cormas cormasPath construct: 'Kernel') construct: ''. fileName := Dialog requestNewFileName: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #export) asString default: defaultFileName. fileName = '' ifTrue: [^nil]. self updateVersion. fileManager := SourceCodeStream write: fileName encoding: #Source. [fileManager timeStamp. fileManager deferInitializations. self selectedThingsWithOrder: [:definedObjects | definedObjects do: [:thing | thing fileOutSourceOn: fileManager. fileManager cr]] onSelection: CormasNS.Kernel asNameSpace. fileManager finishInitializations. fileManager cr] ensure: [fileManager close]. "directoryName := self cormasPath , Cormas pathSeparator, directoryName. directoryName asFilename exists ifFalse: [directoryName asFilename makeDirectory]." "export VisualLauncher" path := SourceFileManager default targetFile logicalName directory construct: 'Kernel'. vL := (path construct: '') asFilename. fileManager := SourceCodeStream write: vL encoding: #Source. [fileManager timeStamp. VisualLauncher fileOutSourceOn: fileManager] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: [fileManager close]. selectedThingsWithOrder: aBlock onSelection: aNameSpace | things | things := OrderedCollection new. things add: aNameSpace. things addAll: (aNameSpace allClasses ). things addAll: (aNameSpace allNameSpaces ). things := SystemUtils sortForLoading: things. aBlock value: things CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class util_aleat mixt: aCollec | collTemp2 collTemp1 item | collTemp1 := OrderedCollection new. collTemp2 := aCollec copy. [collTemp2 isEmpty] whileFalse: [item := self selectRandomlyFrom: collTemp2. collTemp1 add: item. collTemp2 remove: item]. ^collTemp1 random Rand isNil ifTrue: [Rand := RandFishmanMoore new]. ^Rand next randomColor ^self selectRandomlyFrom:ColorValue constantNames randomFrom: start to: end | extent | Rand isNil ifTrue: [Rand := RandFishmanMoore new]. extent := end - start + 1. ^end min: (Rand next * extent) truncated + start selectRandomlyFrom: aList | x | x := self randomFrom: 1 to: aList size. ^aList asOrderedCollection at: x CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class util_collections sort: collec byDecreasing: att1 thenByDecreasing: att2 | oc temp tutu | oc := OrderedCollection new. temp := (collec asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att1) > (j perform: att1)]) asOrderedCollection. [temp isEmpty] whileFalse: [tutu := temp select: [:i | (temp first perform: att1) = (i perform: att1)]. oc addAllLast: (tutu asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att2) > (j perform: att2)]). temp removeAll: tutu]. ^oc sort: collec byDecreasing: att1 thenByIncreasing: att2 | oc temp tutu | oc := OrderedCollection new. temp := (collec asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att1) > (j perform: att1)]) asOrderedCollection. [temp isEmpty] whileFalse: [tutu := temp select: [:i | (temp first perform: att1) = (i perform: att1)]. oc addAllLast: (tutu asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att2) < (j perform: att2)]). temp removeAll: tutu]. ^oc sort: collec byIncreasing: att1 thenByDecreasing: att2 | oc temp tutu | oc := OrderedCollection new. temp := (collec asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att1) < (j perform: att1)]) asOrderedCollection. [temp isEmpty] whileFalse: [tutu := temp select: [:i | (temp first perform: att1) = (i perform: att1)]. oc addAllLast: (tutu asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att2) > (j perform: att2)]). temp removeAll: tutu]. ^oc sort: collec byIncreasing: att1 thenByIncreasing: att2 | oc temp tutu | oc := OrderedCollection new. temp := (collec asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att1) < (j perform: att1)]) asOrderedCollection. [temp isEmpty] whileFalse: [tutu := temp select: [:i | (temp first perform: att1) = (i perform: att1)]. oc addAllLast: (tutu asSortedCollection: [:i :j | (i perform: att2) < (j perform: att2)]). temp removeAll: tutu]. ^oc CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class util_files allClassesInCategory: categoryName | collec | collec := OrderedCollection new. (Smalltalk classNames select: [:n |(Smalltalk at: n) category = categoryName]) do: [:i | collec add: (Smalltalk at: i)]. ^collec allClassesInCategory: categoryName fromNameSpace: aNameSpace | collec | collec := OrderedCollection new. (aNameSpace classNames select: [:n |(aNameSpace at: n) category = categoryName]) do: [:i | collec add: (aNameSpace at: i)]. ^collec initFile: aFilename dataCollection: aCollec separator: aChar "aCollec is made of numbers" aFilename exists ifTrue: [aFilename delete]. self updateFile: aFilename dataCollection: aCollec separator: aChar listing | bufferText stream | bufferText := Text new. bufferText := bufferText , 'Attributs\' withCRs. self instVarNames do: [:iv | bufferText := bufferText , iv asString , ' ']. bufferText := bufferText , '\\\Methodes' withCRs. self organization categories do: [:c | bufferText := bufferText , '\\' , c asString , '\' withCRs. (self organization listAtCategoryNamed: c) do: [:m | bufferText := bufferText , m asString , ' ']]. stream := ((Cormas modelPath: self name) construct: self class name, '.list') asFilename writeStream. stream nextPutAll: bufferText withCRs. stream close readCsv: file myModel: modelName | stream line dicoR dico l nbLine nbRow r key values | stream := ((Cormas dataPath: modelName) , file,('.csv')) asFilename readStream. dicoR:= Dictionary new. dico:= Dictionary new. " Read file line per line and save it into DicoR which is a reversed line and row dictionary " l:=1. [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [ line := Cormas splitLine: stream sep: $,. dicoR at: l put: line. l := l+1]. stream close. "Reverse the dicoR into the dico" nbLine := (dicoR keys) size. nbRow := (dicoR at:1) size. r :=1. nbRow timesRepeat: [ l:=1. key := (dicoR at:l) at:r. values := OrderedCollection new. (nbLine-1) timesRepeat: [ l:=l+1. values add: ((dicoR at: l) at:r) ]. dico at: key put: values. r:=r+1]. ^dico readMatrix: fileName sep: aSepChar | tmp stream line item | tmp := OrderedCollection new. stream := fileName asFilename readStream. " Lecture du fichier, ligne par ligne " [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [ line := (stream upTo: Character cr) readStream. [line atEnd] whileFalse: [ item := line upTo: aSepChar. tmp add: item]. line close]. stream close. ^tmp saveCollec: aCollec inCsvFile: aString | file lastData i | file := aString asFilename appendStream. lastData := aCollec size. i := 1. aCollec do: [:a | i = lastData ifFalse: [file nextPutAll: a printString , ','] ifTrue: [file nextPutAll: a printString]. i := i = 1]. file nextPutAll: '\' withCRs. file close. saveCollec: aCollec inFile: aString | file | file := aString asFilename appendStream. aCollec do: [:a | file nextPutAll: a printString , ';']. file nextPutAll: '\' withCRs. file close splitLine: stream sep: aSepChar | wordsList line item | wordsList := OrderedCollection new. line := (stream upTo: Character cr) readStream. [line atEnd] whileFalse: [item := line upTo: aSepChar. wordsList add: item]. line close. ^wordsList updateFile: aFilename dataCollection: aCollec separator: aChar "aCollec is made of numbers" | stream | stream := aFilename appendStream. 1 to: aCollec size - 1 do: [:i | stream nextPutAll: (aCollec at: i) printString , aChar asSymbol asString]. stream nextPutAll: aCollec last printString. stream nextPutAll: '\' withCRs. stream close CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class resources defineObsMenu "MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #defineObsMenu" <resource: #menu> ^#(#Menu #( #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #ofthespace #defaultString: 'Space' ) #value: #defineSpaceObs ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #ofthecommunication #defaultString: 'Communication' ) #value: #defineCommunicationObs ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #probes #defaultString: 'Probes' ) #value: #defineChartsObs ) ) #(3 ) nil ) decodeAsLiteralArray mainMenu "MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #mainMenu" <resource: #menu> ^#(#Menu #( #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #model #defaultString: 'Modele' ) #submenu: #(#Menu #( #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #fileInModel #defaultString: 'Importer...' ) #value: #importModel #submenu: #(#Menu #( #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #fileInModel #defaultString: 'Import...' ) #value: #importModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: 'Format 2001' #value: #convertFrom2001To2002 ) ) #(2 ) nil ) ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #new #defaultString: 'Nouveau...' ) #value: #newModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #open #defaultString: 'Ouvrir...' ) #value: #openModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #fileOutModel #defaultString: 'Exporter' ) #value: #exportModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #close #defaultString: 'Fermer' ) #value: #closeModel ) ) #(3 1 1 ) nil ) ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #help #defaultString: 'Aide' ) #submenu: #(#Menu #( #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #aboutThisModel #defaultString: 'About this model' ) #value: #aboutThisModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #howToRunThisModel #defaultString: 'How to run this model' ) #value: #howToRunThisModel ) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #entitiesListings #defaultString: 'Entities listings' ) #value: #entitiesListings ) ) #(3 ) nil ) ) ) #(2 ) nil ) decodeAsLiteralArray passiveEntityMenu "MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #passiveEntityMenu" <resource: #menu> ^#(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #addx #defaultString: 'Add...') #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #message #defaultString: 'Message') #nameKey: #AjouterMessage #value: #addMessageClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #object #defaultString: 'Object') #nameKey: #AjouterObjet #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #anyKind #defaultString: 'Any Kind') #nameKey: #addObjectClass #value: #addObjectClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #situated #defaultString: 'Situated') #nameKey: #objectLocation #value: #addObjectLocationClass)) #(2) nil))) #(2) nil)) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #modify #defaultString: 'Modify') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Modifier #value: #modifyPassiveEntityClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #delete #defaultString: 'Remove') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Supprimer #value: #removePassiveEntityClass)) #(1 1 1) nil) decodeAsLiteralArray socialEntityMenu "MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #socialEntityMenu" <resource: #menu> ^#(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #addx #defaultString: 'Add...') #nameKey: #Ajouter #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: 'Agent' #nameKey: #agent #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: 'Simple' #nameKey: #agentSimple #value: #addAgentClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #situated #defaultString: 'Situated') #nameKey: #agentLocation #value: #addAgentLocationClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #communicating #defaultString: 'Communicating') #nameKey: #agentComm #value: #addAgentCommClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #situatedAndCommunicating #defaultString: 'Situated and Communicating') #nameKey: #agentCommLocation #value: #addAgentCommLocationClass)) #(4) nil)) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #group #defaultString: 'Group') #nameKey: #group #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: 'Simple' #nameKey: #groupSimple #value: #addGroupClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #situated #defaultString: 'Situated') #nameKey: #groupLocation #value: #addGroupLocationClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #communicating #defaultString: 'Communicating') #nameKey: #groupComm #value: #addGroupCommClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #situatedAndCommunicating #defaultString: 'Situated and Communicating') #nameKey: #groupCommLocation #value: #addGroupCommLocationClass)) #(4) nil))) #(2) nil)) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #modify #defaultString: 'Modify') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Modifier #value: #modifySocialEntityClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #delete #defaultString: 'Remove') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Supprimer #value: #removeSocialEntityClass)) #(1 1 1) nil) decodeAsLiteralArray spatialEntityMenu "MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #spatialEntityMenu" <resource: #menu> ^#(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #addx #defaultString: 'Add...') #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #ESE #defaultString: 'Elementary Spatial Entity') #nameKey: #ESE #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #cell #defaultString: 'Cell') #nameKey: #cell #value: #addCellClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #cellularAutomaton #defaultString: 'Cellular Automaton') #nameKey: #cellularAutomaton #value: #addCellAutomClass)) #(2) nil)) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #CSE #defaultString: 'Composite Spatial Entity') #enabled: false #nameKey: #CSE #indication: true #submenu: #(#Menu #(#(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #aggregate #defaultString: 'Aggregate') #nameKey: #aggregate #value: #addAggregateClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #FSE #defaultString: 'Fragmented Spatial Entity') #nameKey: #FSE #value: #addSENotConnexClass)) #(2) nil))) #(2) nil)) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #modify #defaultString: 'Modify') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Modifier #value: #modifySpatialEntityClass) #(#MenuItem #rawLabel: #(#UserMessage #key: #delete #defaultString: 'Remove') #enabled: false #nameKey: #Supprimer #value: #removeSpatialEntityClass)) #(1 1 1) nil) decodeAsLiteralArray CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas class version updateVersion self class compile: ('version\ ^ ''' withCRs, (Date today longPrintString), '''') classified: 'version' notifying: nil version ^ 'June 28, 2002' CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas This class has not yet been commented. The comment should state the purpose of the class, what messages are subclassResponsibility, and the type and purpose of each instance and class variable. The comment should also explain any unobvious aspects of the implementation. ApplicationModel subclass: #FenPrincipale instanceVariableNames: 'listEntiteRessource listEntiteSociete listAttribut nomModele nomEntite nomMethode aPartirDe lesEntitesType listMethode commeEntiteType classBuilder typeEntite lesAttributsTempo menuBar espaceModel vue compteur cycle dModelBuilder simulationCourante modeleCourant mode observationGOSIsOn classesOS nomGroupe classeGroupe ressources methodes modeRessource listeSelectA listeSelectB tailleSlider modeDisplay imageOS imageOSInVue lastSelection tailleHolder ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Plate forme' CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas visualisation openCharts self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self displayChartsWin: ChartsInterface new. self displayChartsWin initialize: self currentSimulation. "time: self stepCounter value." self displayChartsWin open openChartsOn: id self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self displayChartsWin: ChartsInterface new. self displayChartsWin initialize: self currentSimulation. "time: self stepCounter value." self displayChartsWin openOn: id openSpatialGrid self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self currentModel spatialClasses isEmpty ifTrue: [^self alert_NoSpatialEntity]. self currentSimulation spaceModel isNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation initializeSpaceModel]. self currentSimulation spaceModel vueIsOpen ifTrue: [^self alert_singleView] ifFalse: [self currentSimulation spaceModel initializeView. self viewWin: SpaceInterface new. self viewWin openView: self currentSimulation spaceModel. self currentSimulation spaceModel createSpatialEntitiesImages] openVisuCommunications | largeurFenPrincipale | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self currentModel commClasses isEmpty ifTrue: [^self alertNoComm]. self currentSimulation isNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation: self currentModel new]. largeurFenPrincipale := self builder window width. self obsWin isNil ifTrue: [self obsWin: (FonctionObs populationSource: self currentSimulation channel population at: largeurFenPrincipale). self currentSimulation channel addFonctionObs: self obsWin. self obsWin msgObs: self currentModel messages] ifFalse: [self obsWin reinitializeAt: largeurFenPrincipale] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas model scheduling adjustNRunButton (self builder componentAt: #run) beInvisible. (self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) beVisible. self runButton: (self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) widget. adjust_RunButtonWith: scenarioBuilder (scenarioBuilder listControle selection asString tokensBasedOn: $:) size = 2 ifTrue: [(self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) beInvisible. (self builder componentAt: #run) beVisible. self runButton: (self builder componentAt: #run) widget.]. (scenarioBuilder listControle selection asString tokensBasedOn: $:) size = 3 ifTrue: [(self builder componentAt: #run) beInvisible. (self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) beVisible. self runButton: (self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) widget.]. openDefineSchedulerWin self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel] ifFalse: [(Tools.FullNotebookSystemBrowser new) initializeForSystem; spawnOnClassHierarchy: self currentModel] openParametersWin ^self simulationsManager isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [self simulationsManager open] openScenarioBuilderWin | selectionWindow | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. "process isNil ifFalse: [process terminateActive. process := nil]." process isNil ifFalse: [process terminate. process := nil]. self simulationsManager: SimulationsManager new. selectionWindow := ScenarioBuilderInterface new init: self simulationsManager. selectionWindow openOn: self currentSimulation. selectionWindow accept value ifFalse: [^nil]. self currentSimulation activeInit: selectionWindow listInit selection. self currentSimulation activeControl: selectionWindow listControle selection. (selectionWindow isParameterSensitive value or: [selectionWindow nbOfRepeat value > 1]) ifTrue: [self adjustNRunButton] ifFalse: [self adjust_RunButtonWith: selectionWindow]. self simulationsManager initRepeat: selectionWindow nbOfRepeat value dir: selectionWindow directory value file: selectionWindow fileType value isSensitive: selectionWindow isParameterSensitive value classesToAnalyse: selectionWindow classesToAnalyse probes: selectionWindow listProbes selections areFileSaved: (selectionWindow probesFormat value = #dataAsChart) not cormas: self openSelectSchedulingMethodsWin "DEPRECATED" | selectionWindow | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. selectionWindow := ScenarioBuilderInterface new openOn: self currentSimulation. selectionWindow accept value ifTrue: [self currentSimulation activeInit: selectionWindow listInit selection. self initSimulation. self currentSimulation activeControl: selectionWindow listControle selection. (selectionWindow listControle selection asString tokensBasedOn: $:) size = 2 ifTrue: [(self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) beInvisible. (self builder componentAt: #run) beVisible]. (selectionWindow listControle selection asString tokensBasedOn: $:) size = 3 ifTrue: [(self builder componentAt: #run) beInvisible. (self builder componentAt: #runNSimulations) beVisible]] runButtonLabel: aString self runButton labelString: aString stepButtonLabel: aString self stepButton labelString: aString CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas model observation defineChartsObs self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self defineChartsWin: ProbesList new. self defineChartsWin openOn: self currentModel defineCommunicationObs | messageClass browser items | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. messageClass := Msg allSubclasses select: [:aClass | aClass category = self currentModel category]. messageClass isEmpty ifTrue: [^self alert_NewMessage] ifFalse: [messageClass size = 1 ifTrue: [messageClass := messageClass first] ifFalse: [items := messageClass collect: [:a | a name asString]. messageClass := Dialog choose: 'On which class?' labels: items values: messageClass default: nil]. (Tools.FullNotebookSystemBrowser new) initializeForSystem; spawnOnClassHierarchy: messageClass "browser := CormasRB open. browser setClasseMsgTo: messageClass"] defineSpaceObs self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. self currentSimulation class cellClass isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_DefineAttribute]. self currentModel visualStateIsOpen ifFalse: [self currentModel visualStateIsOpen: true. self visualStateWin: SpaceObservationInterface new. self visualStateWin openOn: self currentModel] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas main menu aboutThisModel self currentModel isNil not ifTrue: [self currentModel aboutIt] ifFalse: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Select or create a model' key: #noModel)] closeModel self currentSimulation notNil ifTrue: [self closeSimulation]. self listSocialEntities list: List new. self listSpatialEntities list: List new. self listPassiveEntities list: List new. self builder window label: 'Cormas'. self currentModel: nil. self displaySimNumber value: ' '. "(self builder componentAt: #SimButton) widget labelString: ' '" closeSimulation self currentSimulation notNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation spaceModel notNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation spaceModel cormasModel: nil. self currentSimulation spaceModel release. self currentSimulation spaceModel: nil]]. self currentSimulation: nil. self viewWin notNil ifTrue: [self viewWin closeRequest]. self obsWin notNil ifTrue: [self obsWin observateur actionQuitter. self obsWin: nil]. self visualStateWin notNil ifTrue: [self visualStateWin closeRequest]. self defineEntityWin notNil ifTrue: [self defineEntityWin closeRequest]. self defineCommWin notNil ifTrue: [self defineCommWin closeRequest]. self displayChartsWin notNil ifTrue: [self displayChartsWin closeRequest]. self defineSchedulerWin notNil ifTrue: [self defineSchedulerWin closeRequest]. self definePatchWin notNil ifTrue: [self definePatchWin closeRequest] defObservationChanged self perform: self defineObservation value displayModel: aModel "Display the model on Cormas GU interface" "aModel = subClass of <CormasModel>" | aList | aList := List new. self modelName: aModel name. self builder window label: 'Cormas [' , aModel name , ']'. aModel socialClasses do: [:anEntity | aList add: anEntity name]. self listSocialEntities list: aList. aList := List new. aModel spatialClasses do: [:anEntity | aList add: anEntity name]. self listSpatialEntities list: aList. aList := List new. aModel passiveClasses do: [:anEntity | aList add: anEntity name]. self listPassiveEntities list: aList. self displayVersionOfModel: aModel entitiesListings self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. (self currentModel allClassesInCategory select: [:c | (c inheritsFrom: Entity) or: [c inheritsFrom: CormasModel]]) do: [:d | d listing: ((Cormas dataPath: currentModel name) construct: d class name , '.list')] exportModel self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self stFileWithChoice. self vsFile]. exportModelWithoutChoice self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self stFile. self vsFile]. howToRunThisModel self currentModel isNil not ifTrue: [self currentModel howToRunIt] ifFalse: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Select or create a model' key: #noModel)] howToRunThisModelOld | editorWin | self currentModel isNil not ifTrue: [editorWin := BlockEditor new openInterface: #windowHowToRunIt. editorWin component model value: self currentModel howToRunIt] ifFalse: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Select or create a model' key: #noModel)] importModel | choosenDirectoryModelName stFileName evFileName tmp aCategory defaultFileName | self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self currentModel visualStateIsOpen ifTrue: [self visualStateWin closeRequest]. self closeModel]. "Selection dans la liste des modeles importables" tmp := self class modelsPath asFilename directoryContents asOrderedCollection. tmp isEmpty ifTrue: [self alert_NoModel. ^self]. tmp := tmp asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a < b]. choosenDirectoryModelName := Dialog choose: self chooseModel fromList: tmp asList values: tmp lines: 8 cancel: [^nil]. "Chargement du code des classes du modele" (CormasNS.Models keys includes: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) ifTrue: [(Dialog confirm: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #stModelAlreadyInSystem)) ifFalse: [^nil] ifTrue: [self closeModel. aCategory := (CormasNS.Models at: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) category. Cursor wait showWhile: [| classes | classes := (CormasNS.Models at: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) allClasses. classes reverseDo: [:cls | cls isObsolete not ifTrue:[ cls quietlyRemoveFromSystem]]. (CormasNS.Models organization listAtCategoryNamed: aCategory) isEmpty ifTrue: [CormasNS.Models organization removeCategory: aCategory. ChangeSet current reorganizeSystem]]]]. defaultFileName := (self class modelPath: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) construct: choosenDirectoryModelName , '.st'. stFileName := Dialog requestFileName: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #import) asString default: defaultFileName. stFileName = '' ifTrue:[^nil]. stFileName asFilename exists ifFalse: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #noStModelFilename). ^nil]. "self testParcelsRequired: stFileName." [(stFileName asFilename withEncoding: #Source) fileIn] on: ClassBuilder nilSuperclassSignal do: [:ex | Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #convertModel). ^nil]. self currentModel: ((CormasNS.Models at: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) at: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol). "Chargement eventuel des etats visuels des classes du modele" evFileName := (self class modelPath: choosenDirectoryModelName asSymbol) construct: choosenDirectoryModelName , '.ev'. evFileName asFilename exists ifTrue: [self readVSFile. self currentModel initializeWithVS] ifFalse: [self currentModel initialize]. self currentModel allClasses do: [:ent | ent activePov: nil]. self setModelVersion: self currentModel equalTo: stFileName asFilename. self displayModel: self currentModel. self currentModel visualStateIsOpen: false. self currentSimulation: self currentModel new. self createPdvDict. self resetSimulation newModel | nomM | (nomM := Dialog request: self alertModelName initialAnswer: 'MyModel') isEmpty ifTrue: [^self]. nomM at: 1 put: (nomM at: 1) asUppercase. (Cormas environment includesKey: nomM asSymbol) ifTrue: [self alert_NameAlreadyExist. ^self newModel]. self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self currentModel visualStateIsOpen ifTrue: [self visualStateWin closeRequest]]. self closeModel. " le modele courant est ferme, on peut en creer un autre" self currentModel: (self createClassModelNamed: nomM). self currentModel createDefaultMethods. self currentModel initialize. self currentSimulation: self currentModel new. self setModelVersion: self currentModel equalTo: 'v-0'. self displayModel: self currentModel. self modelName: nomM asSymbol. (self dependents at: 1) label: 'Cormas [' , nomM , ']' openModel | tmp aModel | tmp := (CormasModel allSubclasses select: [:m | m subclasses isEmpty]) asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a name < b name]. tmp isEmpty ifTrue: [self alert_NoModel. ^self]. aModel := Dialog choose: self chooseModel fromList: tmp values: tmp lines: 8 cancel: [^nil]. self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self currentModel visualStateIsOpen ifTrue: [self visualStateWin closeRequest]. self closeModel]. self currentModel: aModel. "self currentModel initialize." self currentModel allClasses isNil ifTrue: [self currentModel initialize]. self currentModel allClasses do: [:ent | ent activePov: nil]. self displayModel: self currentModel. self currentModel visualStateIsOpen: false. self currentSimulation: self currentModel new. self resetSimulation resetSimulation self cycle value: 0. self stepCounter value: 0 CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas model entities addAgentClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Agent' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: Agent. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addAgentCommClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Agent' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: AgentComm. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addAgentCommLocationClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Agent' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: AgentCommLocation. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addAgentLocationClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Agent' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: AgentLocation. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addAggregateClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Aggregate' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: SpatialEntityAggregate. self listSpatialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSpatialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel spatialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySpatialEntityClass addCellAutomClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Cell' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: SpatialEntityCell. self listSpatialEntities list addFirst: aName asSymbol. self listSpatialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel cellClass: newClass. self currentModel spatialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySpatialEntityClass addCellClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'Cell' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: SpatialEntityElement. self listSpatialEntities list addFirst: aName asSymbol. self listSpatialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel cellClass: newClass. self currentModel spatialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySpatialEntityClass addGroupClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'GroupClass' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: Group. self listSocialEntities list addFirst: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addGroupCommClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'GroupClass' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: GroupComm. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addGroupCommLocationClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'GroupClass' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: GroupCommLocation. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addGroupLocationClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'GroupClass' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: GroupLocation. self listSocialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSocialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel socialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass; createStep: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySocialEntityClass addMessageClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'MessageClass' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: Msg. self listPassiveEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listPassiveEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel passiveClasses add: newClass. self modifyPassiveEntityClass addObjectClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'SimpleObject' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: PassiveObject. self listPassiveEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listPassiveEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel passiveClasses add: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self modifyPassiveEntityClass addObjectLocationClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'LocatedObject' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: ObjectLocation. self listPassiveEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listPassiveEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel passiveClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self modifyPassiveEntityClass addPassiveObjectClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. (aName := Dialog request: self objectName initialAnswer: self modelName value , '_Object') isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil] ifFalse: [(aName at: 1) isAlphabetic ifFalse: [aName := 'X_' , aName]. aName at: 1 put: (aName at: 1) asUppercase. (Smalltalk includesKey: aName asSymbol) ifTrue: [self alert_NameAlreadyExist. ^self addPassiveObjectClass]]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: PassiveObject. self currentModel passiveClasses add: newClass. self listPassiveEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listPassiveEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self createModelAccessors: aName. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self modifyPassiveEntityClass addSENotConnexClass | aName newClass | self currentModel isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NewModel]. aName := self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: 'NotConnexAggregat' . aName isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. newClass := self createClassNamed: aName from: SpatialEntityNotConnex. self listSpatialEntities list add: aName asSymbol. self listSpatialEntities selection: aName asSymbol. self currentModel spatialClasses add: newClass. self createColorsDictClass: newClass. self createImageDictClass: newClass. self createInit: newClass. self createIdProtocol: newClass. self createModelAccessors: aName. self modifySpatialEntityClass askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: defaultString | aName | (aName := Dialog request: self entityName initialAnswer: defaultString) isEmpty ifFalse: [(aName at: 1) isAlphabetic ifFalse: [aName := 'X_' , aName]. aName at: 1 put: (aName at: 1) asUppercase. (self verifyClassExist: aName) ifTrue: [self alert_NameAlreadyExist. ^self askUserTheClassNameWithDefaultValue: defaultString]] ifTrue: [^nil]. ^aName createClassModelNamed: aName "Create the NameSpace of the new model and its category then create the class of this model" | classBuilder nameSpace | nameSpace := self createSubModelsNameSpace: aName . classBuilder := ClassBuilder new. classBuilder environment: nameSpace; beFixed; superclass: CormasNS.Kernel.CormasModel; className: aName asSymbol; instVarString: ''; category: aName , 'Category'. ^classBuilder reviseSystem createClassNamed: aName from: aSuperClass "aName <String> - aSuperClass <Object, Agent, Entity, etc >" | classBuilder | classBuilder := ClassBuilder new. classBuilder environment: self currentModel environment; beFixed; superclass: aSuperClass; className: aName asSymbol; instVarString: ''; category: self currentModel category. ^classBuilder reviseSystem createColorsDictClass: newClass self currentModel povColorsDict at: newClass put: Dictionary new. newClass colorsDict: (self currentModel povColorsDict at: newClass) createIdProtocol: newClass newClass addClassVarName: 'CurrentId'. newClass class compile: 'CurrentId\ ^CurrentId isNil \ ifTrue: [0] \ ifFalse: [CurrentId]' withCRs classified: 'id' notifying: nil. newClass class compile: 'CurrentId: x\ ^CurrentId := x' withCRs classified: 'id' notifying: nil. newClass compile: 'initId\ self id: (self class CurrentId: self class CurrentId + 1)' withCRs classified: 'init' notifying: nil createImageDictClass: newClass self currentModel imageDict at: newClass put: EntityImage new. newClass image: (self currentModel imageDict at: newClass) createInit: newClass newClass compile: 'init\ super init.' withCRs classified: 'init' notifying: nil createModelAccessors: aName | pop | pop := 'the' , aName , 's'. self currentModel addInstVarName: pop. self currentModel compile: (pop , '\^' , pop) withCRs classified: 'accessing' notifying: nil. self currentModel compile: (pop , ': x\' , pop , ' := x') withCRs classified: 'accessing' notifying: nil createStep: newClass newClass compile: 'step\ "to be completed"' withCRs classified: 'control' notifying: nil createSubModelsNameSpace: aName "Creates and returns the NameSpace under CormasNS.Models aName : <String>" ^CormasNS.Models defineNameSpace: aName asSymbol private: false imports: 'private Smalltalk.* private CormasNS.Kernel.*' category: aName , 'Category' modifyPassiveEntityClass | unNom uneClasse | unNom := self listPassiveEntities selection. unNom notNil ifTrue: [uneClasse := self currentModel environment at: unNom] ifFalse: [self halt]. (Tools.FullNotebookSystemBrowser new) initializeForSystem; spawnOnClassHierarchy: uneClasse modifySocialEntityClass | unNom uneClasse | unNom := self listSocialEntities selection. unNom notNil ifTrue: [uneClasse := self currentModel environment at: unNom] ifFalse: [self halt]. (Tools.FullNotebookSystemBrowser new) initializeForSystem; spawnOnClassHierarchy: uneClasse modifySpatialEntityClass | unNom uneClasse | unNom := self listSpatialEntities selection. unNom notNil ifTrue: [uneClasse := self currentModel environment at: unNom] ifFalse: [self halt]. (Tools.FullNotebookSystemBrowser new) initializeForSystem; spawnOnClassHierarchy: uneClasse removeModelAccessors: aName | pop | pop := 'the' , aName , 's'. (self currentModel instVarNames includes: pop) ifTrue: [self currentModel removeInstVarName: pop. self currentModel removeSelector: pop asSymbol. self currentModel removeSelector: (pop , ':') asSymbol] removePassiveEntityClass | uneClasse | self listPassiveEntities selection notNil ifTrue: [(Dialog confirm: self confirm_DeleteEntity , self listPassiveEntities selection , ' ?') ifTrue: [uneClasse := self currentModel environment at: self listPassiveEntities selection asSymbol. self currentModel povColorsDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listPassiveEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel imageDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listPassiveEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel passiveClasses remove: uneClasse. self listPassiveEntities list remove: self listPassiveEntities selection. self removeModelAccessors: uneClasse name asString. uneClasse removeFromSystem. self listPassiveEntities selectionIndex: 0]] removeSocialEntityClass | uneClasse | self listSocialEntities selection notNil ifTrue: [(Dialog confirm: self confirm_DeleteEntity , self listSocialEntities selection , ' ?') ifTrue: [uneClasse := Entity allSubclasses detect: [:aClass | aClass name asString = self listSocialEntities selection asString]. self currentModel povColorsDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listSocialEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel imageDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listSocialEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel socialClasses remove: uneClasse. self removeModelAccessors: uneClasse name asString. uneClasse removeFromSystem. self listSocialEntities list remove: self listSocialEntities selection. self listSocialEntities selectionIndex: 0]] removeSpatialEntityClass | uneClasse | self listSpatialEntities selection notNil ifTrue: [(Dialog confirm: self confirm_DeleteEntity , self listSpatialEntities selection , ' ?') ifTrue: [uneClasse := Object allSubclasses detect: [:aClass | aClass name asString = self listSpatialEntities selection asString]. self currentModel povColorsDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listSpatialEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel imageDict removeKey: uneClasse ifAbsent: ["self listSpatialEntities selection asSymbol" ]. self currentModel spatialClasses remove: uneClasse. self listSpatialEntities list remove: self listSpatialEntities selection. self removeModelAccessors: uneClasse name asString. uneClasse removeFromSystem. self listSpatialEntities selectionIndex: 0. self listEntitesSpatialesChanged]] verifyClassExist: aClassName ^((self currentModel environment includesKey: aClassName asSymbol) or: [(self class environment includesKey: aClassName asSymbol) or: [Smalltalk.Core includesKey: aClassName asSymbol]]) CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas simulation initProcess process isNil ifFalse: [process terminate. process := nil]. self runButtonLabel: 'Run' initSimulation | theCommEntities aSymbol pop | self stepButton: (self builder componentAt: #stepButton) widget. Cursor wait showWhile: [self currentSimulation notNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation activeInit isNil ifTrue: [self alert_NoInit]. theCommEntities := self currentModel allClasses select: [:uneEntite | "self currentSimulation initCollec: self currentModel allClasses." ((uneEntite inheritsFrom: AgentComm) or: [uneEntite inheritsFrom: AgentCommLocation]) and: [uneEntite isGenericEntity not]]. self stepCounter value: 0. self currentSimulation initDataStructures. self currentSimulation perform: self currentSimulation activeInit. pop := OrderedCollection new. theCommEntities do: [:uneEntite | aSymbol := ('the' , uneEntite name asString , 's') asSymbol. pop addAll: (self currentSimulation perform: aSymbol)]. theCommEntities isEmpty ifFalse: [self currentSimulation initializeChannel]. pop do: [:p | p channel: self currentSimulation channel]. pop isEmpty ifFalse: [self currentSimulation channel population: pop]. self obsWin notNil ifTrue: [self obsWin populationSource: pop. self obsWin msgObs: self currentModel messages]]] openReducedCommandsBar self reducedCommandsBar: ReducedCommandsBar new. self reducedCommandsBar openFrom: self. self builder window collapse prepareExcelConnexion | listePrinc colonne ligne excelClient resultat | Dialog warn: 'Be sure that Excel is open'. colonne := 0. excelClient := ExcelClient new. listePrinc := self currentSimulation class charts. listePrinc do: [:nom | colonne := colonne + 1. ligne := 1. excelClient execute: '[SELECT("R' , ligne printString , 'C' , colonne printString , '")]'; execute: '[FORMULA("' , nom printString , '")]'. (self currentSimulation perform: nom) value do: [:coord | ligne := ligne + 1. resultat := coord at: 1. excelClient execute: '[SELECT("R' , ligne printString , 'C' , colonne printString , '")]'; execute: '[FORMULA("' , resultat printString , '")]']] run self currentSimulation isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. self currentSimulation activeControl isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NoDynamic]. self stepCounter value = self cycle value ifTrue: [^nil]. self simulationsManager simNumber isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. (self currentSimulation activeControl asString tokensBasedOn: $:) size = 3 ifTrue: [^self runNSimulations_old]. process isNil ifFalse: [process suspendedContext isNil ifFalse: [process suspendingList isNil ifFalse: [self runButtonLabel: 'Run'. ^process suspend] ifTrue: [self runButtonLabel: 'Pause'. ^process resume]]]. process := [self simulationsManager runNSimulations] forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority. self runButtonLabel: 'Pause'. self stepCounter value = self cycle value ifTrue: [process terminate. process := nil] runNSimulations self run runNSimulations_old "Deprecated. Just use for the old 'run: t times: n' method" | nbOfSim j test i | nbOfSim := (Dialog request: self numberOfSimul initialAnswer: '1') asNumber. j := 1. nbOfSim timesRepeat: [self initSimulation. i := self stepCounter value. test := 'ok'. [i <= cycle value and: [test isNil not]] whileTrue: [test := self currentSimulation perform: self currentSimulation activeControl with: i with: j. self currentModel commClasses isEmpty ifFalse: [self currentSimulation channel flush]. self obsWin notNil ifTrue: [self eraseLinks ifTrue: [self obsWin observateur modeleObs actionClear]]. self stepCounter value: i. i := i + 1]. test isNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation perform: self currentSimulation activeControl with: cycle value with: j]. j := j + 1] runStepByStep self currentSimulation isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. self currentSimulation activeControl isNil ifTrue: [^self alert_NoDynamic]. self simulationsManager simNumber isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. self simulationsManager initAndRunStepByStep. runStepByStepThreaded "(Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait." Processor yield. self obsWin isNil ifFalse: [self obsWin window isOpen ifTrue: [self eraseLinks isNil ifFalse: [self eraseLinks ifTrue: [self obsWin observateur modeleObs actionClear]]]]. self stepCounter value: self stepCounter value + 1. self currentSimulation perform: self currentSimulation activeControl with: self stepCounter value. self currentSimulation channel notNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation channel flush] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas acces currentModel ^currentModel currentModel: x currentModel := x currentSimulation ^currentSimulation currentSimulation: x currentSimulation := x defineChartsWin ^defineChartsWin defineChartsWin: x defineChartsWin := x defineCommWin ^defineCommWin defineCommWin: x defineCommWin := x defineCSEWin ^defineCSEWin defineCSEWin: x defineCSEWin := x defineEntityWin ^defineEntityWin defineEntityWin: x defineEntityWin := x defineObjectWin ^defineObjectWin defineObjectWin: x defineObjectWin := x definePatchWin ^definePatchWin definePatchWin: x definePatchWin := x defineSchedulerWin ^defineSchedulerWin defineSchedulerWin: x defineSchedulerWin := x displayChartsWin ^displayChartsWin displayChartsWin: x displayChartsWin := x displayCommWin ^displayCommWin displayCommWin: x displayCommWin := x obsWin ^obsWin obsWin: x obsWin := x process ^process process: x process := x reducedCommandsBar ^reducedCommandsBar reducedCommandsBar: x reducedCommandsBar := x runButton ^runButton runButton: aWidget runButton := aWidget simulationsManager ^simulationsManager simulationsManager: aSensibilityAnalysisManager simulationsManager := aSensibilityAnalysisManager stepButton ^stepButton stepButton: aWidget stepButton := aWidget viewWin ^viewWin viewWin: x viewWin := x visualStateWin ^visualStateWin visualStateWin: x visualStateWin := x CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas aspects cycle "This method was generated by UIDefiner. Any edits made here may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined. The initialization provided below may have been preempted by an initialize method." ^cycle isNil ifTrue: [cycle := 0 asValue] ifFalse: [cycle] defineObservation ^defineObservation isNil ifTrue: [defineObservation := nil asValue] ifFalse: [defineObservation] displaySimNumber "This method was generated by UIDefiner. Any edits made here may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined. The initialization provided below may have been preempted by an initialize method." ^displaySimNumber isNil ifTrue: [displaySimNumber := String new asValue] ifFalse: [displaySimNumber] eraseLinks ^eraseLinks isNil ifTrue: [eraseLinks := true] ifFalse: [eraseLinks] eraseLinks: aBool eraseLinks := aBool listPassiveEntities ^listPassiveEntities isNil ifTrue: [listPassiveEntities := SelectionInList new] ifFalse: [listPassiveEntities] listSocialEntities ^listSocialEntities isNil ifTrue: [listSocialEntities := SelectionInList new] ifFalse: [listSocialEntities] listSpatialEntities ^listSpatialEntities isNil ifTrue: [listSpatialEntities := SelectionInList new] ifFalse: [listSpatialEntities] modelName ^modelName modelName: aString modelName := aString stepCounter "This method was generated by UIDefiner. Any edits made here may be lost whenever methods are automatically defined. The initialization provided below may have been preempted by an initialize method." ^stepCounter isNil ifTrue: [stepCounter := 0 asValue] ifFalse: [stepCounter] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas initialize-release initialize super initialize. self defineObservation value: #defineSpaceObs. self defineObservation onChangeSend: #defObservationChanged to: self. self listSocialEntities selectionIndexHolder onChangeSend: #listAgentsChanged to: self. self listSpatialEntities selectionIndexHolder onChangeSend: #listEntitesSpatialesChanged to: self. self listPassiveEntities selectionIndexHolder onChangeSend: #listEntitesPassivesChanged to: self. cycle isNil ifFalse: [cycle value: 0] postBuildWith: aBuilder AgentLocation isGenericEntity: true. AgentComm isGenericEntity: true. AgentCommLocation isGenericEntity: true. Group isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityElement isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityCell isGenericEntity: true. ObjectLocation isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntitySet isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityAggregate isGenericEntity: true. SpatialEntityNotConnex isGenericEntity: true. super postBuildWith: aBuilder requestForWindowClose | answer | self reducedCommandsBar notNil ifTrue: [self reducedCommandsBar mainWindow: nil. self reducedCommandsBar closeRequest]. answer := Dialog confirm: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Fermeture de Cormas ?' key: #exitCormas). answer = true ifTrue: [self closeSimulation. ^true] ifFalse: [^false] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas util convertSourceTo2002: name "on copie le fichier en" | contents upgradeDictionary index stream oldVersion answer | oldVersion := (Filename splitExtension: name) first , '2001.' , (Filename splitExtension: name) last. oldVersion asFilename exists ifTrue: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Conversion already performed ! Just import it !' key: #alreadyConverted). ^nil]. answer := Dialog requestFileName: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Your previous version will be renamed as : ' key: #previousVersion) default: oldVersion version: #new. answer isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil]. name asFilename copyTo: answer asFilename. contents := name asFilename readStream contents. upgradeDictionary := Dictionary new. "a completer en fonction de tous les changements de noms de methodes et de classes" "attention a ne pas oublier le blanc en fin de string du nouveau nom sous 2002" upgradeDictionary at: 'SpatialEntity_Element' put: 'SpatialEntityElement '; at: 'SpatialEntity_Aggregate' put: 'SpatialEntityAggregate '; at: 'SpatialEntity_Partition' put: 'SpatialEntityAggregate '; at: 'SpatialEntity_Set_notConnex' put: 'SpatialEntityNotConnex '; at: 'SpatialEntity_CA' put: 'SpatialEntityCell '; at: 'initCharts!' put: 'initData! '; at: 'initLocalCharts' put: 'initData '; at: 'initGlobalCharts' put: 'initData '; at: 'updateCharts:' put: 'updateData: '; at: 'updateLocalCharts:' put: 'updateData: '; at: 'updateGlobalCharts:' put: 'updateData: '; at: 'Cormas_Model' put: 'CormasModel '. upgradeDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [:k :v | index := contents findString: k startingAt: 1. [index ~= 0] whileTrue: [contents := contents changeFrom: index to: index + k size with: v. index := contents findString: k startingAt: index]]. stream := name asFilename writeStream. stream nextPutAll: contents. stream close createPdvDict | texteMethode list1 symbolito count cr listSymbolito cond | self currentModel visualizedClasses do: [:cl | cl pdvDict: Dictionary new. (cl organization listAtCategoryNamed: #pov) do: [:method | listSymbolito := OrderedCollection new. texteMethode := (cl sourceMethodAt: method) string. list1 := texteMethode string tokensBasedOn: $^. list1 removeAllSuchThat: [:str | (str at: 1) ~= $#]. list1 do: [:subString | symbolito := String new. count := 1. cond := true. [cond] whileTrue: [count := count + 1. cr := subString at: count. symbolito := symbolito , (String with: cr). count = subString size ifTrue: [cond := false]. cond = true ifTrue: [(subString at: count + 1) isLetter not ifTrue: [cond := false]]]. listSymbolito add: symbolito asSymbol]. cl pdvDict at: method asSymbol put: listSymbolito]] inheritedMethodsFrom: aClass category: aCat "Retourne la liste des methodes des superclasses de aClass sauf celles de Object" "Inutile avec cormas2000" | aList tmp | aList := OrderedCollection new. aClass allSuperclasses do: [:uneClasse | tmp := uneClasse organization listAtCategoryNamed: aCat. 1 to: tmp size do: [:i | tmp at: i put: (tmp at: i) asString , ' (' , uneClasse name asString , ')']. aList addAll: tmp]. ^aList lesSuperMethodes: aClass category: aCat "Retourne la liste des methodes des superclasses de aClass sauf celles de Object" "Inutile avec cormas2000" | aList tmp | aList := OrderedCollection new. aClass allSuperclasses do: [:uneClasse | tmp := uneClasse organization listAtCategoryNamed: aCat. 1 to: tmp size do: [:i | tmp at: i put: (tmp at: i) asString , ' (' , uneClasse name asString , ')']. aList addAll: tmp]. ^aList readVSFile | fileNameEv stream entity line methodName aNewImage lw nbs t rm ev colR colG colB newSymbol end | fileNameEv := (self class modelPath: self currentModel name) construct: (self currentModel name asString , '.ev'). stream := fileNameEv asFilename readStream. " Lecture du fichier, ligne par ligne " [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [line := (stream upTo: Character cr) readStream. entity := self currentModel environment at: (line upTo: Character space) asSymbol. methodName := line upTo: Character space. methodName = 'image' ifTrue: [lw := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. nbs := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. t := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. rm := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. ev := (line upTo: Character space) asBoolean. colR := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. colG := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. colB := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. aNewImage := EntityImage new. aNewImage lw: lw nbs: nbs t: t rm: rm ev: ev colR: colR colG: colG colB: colB. entity perform: (methodName , ':') asSymbol with: aNewImage]. methodName = 'dicoCouleur' ifTrue: [entity colorsDict isNil ifTrue: [entity colorsDict: Dictionary new]. end := line upTo: Character space. end isEmpty ifFalse: [newSymbol := end asSymbol. colR := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. colG := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. colB := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber. entity colorsDict at: newSymbol put: (ColorValue red: colR green: colG blue: colB)]]. line close]. stream close removeBrackets: aNom "inutile avec Cormas2000" | index unNom | aNom isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. index := aNom findFirst: [:aChar | aChar = $(]. unNom := aNom changeFrom: index - 1 to: aNom size with: ''. ^unNom removeParentheses: aNom "inutile avec Cormas2000" | index unNom | aNom isNil ifTrue: [^nil]. index := aNom findFirst: [:aChar | aChar = $(]. unNom := aNom changeFrom: index - 1 to: aNom size with: ''. ^unNom stFile | fileName fileManager selectedThings | fileName := (self class modelPath: self currentModel name) construct: (self currentModel name asString , '.st'). selectedThings := OrderedCollection new. selectedThings add: (self currentModel environment); addAll: (self currentModel environment). selectedThings := SystemUtils sortForLoading: selectedThings. fileManager := SourceCodeStream write: fileName encoding: #Source. [fileManager timeStamp. fileManager deferInitializations. selectedThings do: [:thing | thing fileOutSourceOn: fileManager. fileManager cr]. fileManager finishInitializations. fileManager cr] ensure: [fileManager close]. stFileWithChoice | fileManager fileName defaultFileName selectedThings | (self currentModel version = 'v-0' or: [self currentModel version isNil]) ifTrue: [defaultFileName := (self class modelPath: self currentModel name) construct: self currentModel name asString , '.st'] ifFalse: [defaultFileName := (self class modelPath: self currentModel name) construct: self currentModel version]. fileName := Dialog requestNewFileName: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #export) asString default: defaultFileName. fileName = '' ifTrue: [^nil]. selectedThings := OrderedCollection new. selectedThings add: self currentModel environment; addAll: self currentModel environment. selectedThings := SystemUtils sortForLoading: selectedThings. fileManager := SourceCodeStream write: fileName encoding: #Source. [fileManager timeStamp. fileManager deferInitializations. selectedThings do: [:thing | thing fileOutSourceOn: fileManager. fileManager cr]. fileManager finishInitializations. fileManager cr] ensure: [fileManager close]. self setModelVersion: self currentModel equalTo: fileName asFilename. self displayModel: self currentModel testParcelsRequired: fileNameSt | stream line parcels | parcels := OrderedCollection new. stream := fileNameSt asFilename readStream. [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [line := (stream upTo: Character cr) tokensBasedOn: Character space. (line includes: 'subclass:') ifTrue: [line first = 'ExternalInterface' ifTrue: [parcels add: 'DLLCC' -> '']. line first = 'DdemlClient' ifTrue: [parcels add: 'DDEML' -> '']]]. stream close. Parcel setFileCachesTo: [Dictionary new]. Cursor wait showWhile: [parcels do: [:pname | Parcel handleParcelSignalsDo: [Parcel ensureLoadedParcel: pname key withVersion: pname value for: nil]]] vsFile | fileNameEv stream | fileNameEv := (self class modelPath: self currentModel name) construct: (self currentModel name asString , '.ev'). stream := fileNameEv asFilename writeStream. self currentModel visualizedClasses do: [:entity | (self currentModel spatialClasses includes: entity) ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: entity name , ' image '. entity image class = EntityImage ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: 'figurine\' withCRs] ifTrue: [entity image exportIn: stream]]. (entity colorsDict isNil or: [entity colorsDict isEmpty]) ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: entity name , ' dicoCouleur '. stream nextPutAll: '\' withCRs] ifFalse: [entity colorsDict keysAndValuesDo: [:k :v | stream nextPutAll: entity name , ' dicoCouleur '. stream nextPutAll: k asString , ' ' , v red printString , ' ' , v green printString , ' ' , v blue printString. stream nextPutAll: '\' withCRs]]]. stream close CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas changed cycleChanged "self stepCounter value: 0." self currentSimulation notNil ifTrue: [self currentSimulation finalTime: self cycle value] detect: aMenu MenuLookUp: aLookUpKey " selectionne l'item de menu dont le ''lookup key'' est le receveur" ^aMenu menuItems detect: [:i | i rawLabel key = aLookUpKey asSymbol] listAgentsChanged | menu | menu := self builder menuAt: #socialEntityMenu. self listSocialEntities selection isNil ifTrue: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) disable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) disable] ifFalse: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) enable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) enable]. "self currentModel isNil ifFalse: [self listEntitesPassivesComm: self currentModel commEntities isEmpty not]" listEntitesPassivesChanged | menu | menu := self builder menuAt: #passiveEntityMenu. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #addx) submenu. self listPassiveEntities selection isNil ifTrue: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) disable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) disable] ifFalse: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) enable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) enable] listEntitesPassivesComm: testComm | menu submenu message | " menu := self builder menuAt: #passiveEntityMenu. submenu := (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #addx) submenu. message := nil. self listPassiveEntities list isEmpty ifFalse: [message := self listPassiveEntities list detect: [:e | (Smalltalk at: e) inheritsFrom: Msg] ifNone: []]. testComm ifFalse: [(submenu menuItemLabeled: 'Message') disable. message isNil ifFalse: [self alert_NoComEntity]] ifTrue: [(submenu menuItemLabeled: 'Message') enable]" listEntitesSpatialesChanged | menu submenu cellule agregat | menu := self builder menuAt: #spatialEntityMenu. submenu := (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #addx) submenu. cellule := nil. agregat := nil. self listSpatialEntities list isEmpty ifFalse: [cellule := self listSpatialEntities list detect: [:e | (self currentModel environment at: e) inheritsFrom: SpatialEntityElement] ifNone: []. agregat := self listSpatialEntities list detect: [:e | (self currentModel environment at: e) inheritsFrom: SpatialEntitySet] ifNone: []]. self listSpatialEntities selection isNil ifTrue: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) disable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) disable] ifFalse: [(self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #delete) enable. (self detect: menu MenuLookUp: #modify) enable]. cellule isNil ifTrue: [(self detect: submenu MenuLookUp: #ESE) enable. agregat isNil ifFalse: [self alert_NewCell]. (self detect: submenu MenuLookUp: #CSE) disable] ifFalse: [(self detect: submenu MenuLookUp: #ESE) disable. (self detect: submenu MenuLookUp: #CSE) enable "self currentModel isNil ifFalse: [self listEntitesPassivesComm: self currentModel compoundSpatialClasses isEmpty not]"] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas user messages aggregateName ^UserMessage defaultString: 'Aggregate name : ' key: #aggregateName alertModelName ^UserMessage defaultString: ' Enter a name ' key: #alertModelName alertNoComm ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' No communicating entity ! ' key: #noCommEntity) alert_ChartAlreadyDefined ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Already defined ! ' key: #chartDefined) alert_DefineAttribute ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Which attribute ! ' key: #attributeNoDefined) alert_NameAlreadyExist ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Already used ! ' key: #alreadyUsed) alert_NewCell ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' define a cell ! ' key: #newCell) alert_NewMessage ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Give a new message ! ' key: #newMessage) alert_NewModel ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'Select or create a model' key: #noModel) alert_NoComEntity ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' No communicating entity ! ' key: #noCommEntity) alert_NoDynamic ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Select a control method ! ' key: #noDynamic) alert_NoInit ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Select an initialization method ! ' key: #noInit) alert_NoModel ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' Create a new model ! ' key: #noModel) alert_NoSpatialEntity ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: ' No spatial entity ! ' key: #noSpatialEntity) alert_singleView ^Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: 'A single view is allowed !!!' key: #singleView) cellName ^UserMessage defaultString: ' cell name : ' key: #cellName chartName ^UserMessage defaultString: ' chart name : ' key: #chartName chooseModel ^UserMessage defaultString: ' Which Model ? ' key: #chooseModel confirm_DeleteEntity ^(UserMessage defaultString: ' Delete entity ' key: #deleteEntity) asString confirm_DeleteSimulation ^UserMessage defaultString: ' Are you sure ? ' key: #deleteSimulation entityName ^UserMessage defaultString: ' Enter the entity''s name ' key: #entityName fseName ^UserMessage defaultString: 'Fragmented Spatial Entity name : ' key: #fseName messageType ^UserMessage defaultString: ' kind of message ? ' key: #messageType numberOfSimul ^UserMessage defaultString: ' how many simulations ? ' key: #nbSimulation objectName ^UserMessage defaultString: ' Enter the object''s name ' key: #objectName CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas actions expandMainWindow "This stub method was generated by UIDefiner" ^self CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas version adjustChartsTo2002 | oldCharts oldProbes source index startIndex endIndex entityName probeName | oldCharts := (self currentModel organization listAtCategoryNamed: #graphiques) asOrderedCollection select: [:n | n asString last ~= $: and: [n size <= 4 or: [(n findString: 'Data' startingAt: n size - 4) = 0]]]. oldCharts := oldCharts collect: [:oc | oc asString]. oldProbes := oldCharts collect: [:x | x asString , 'Data']. oldProbes with: oldCharts do: [:op :oc | source := (self currentModel compiledMethodAt: op asSymbol) getSource. index := source findString: '^#' startingAt: 1. index = 0 ifTrue: [self currentModel compile: (source copyReplaceFrom: 1 to: op asString size with: oc asString) classified: 'probes' notifying: nil] ifFalse: [startIndex := index + 4. endIndex := (source nextIndexOf: Character space from: startIndex to: source size) - 1. entityName := (source copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex) asSymbol. probeName := (source copyFrom: endIndex + 3 to: source size - 1) asSymbol. (self currentModel environment at: entityName) organization classify: probeName under: #probes]]. self currentModel removeCategory: 'graphiques'. oldCharts do: [:oc | (self currentModel instVarNames includes: oc) ifTrue: [self currentModel removeInstVarName: oc]] adjustIdProtocolsTo2002 self currentModel allClasses do: [:class | class removeCategory: 'id'. self createIdProtocol: class] adjustOrganizationTo2002 self adjustIdProtocolsTo2002. self adjustChartsTo2002 convertFrom2001To2002 | choosenModelName stFileName tmp evFileName aCategory | "1- Fermeture du modele precedent" self currentModel notNil ifTrue: [self currentModel visualStateIsOpen ifTrue: [self visualStateWin closeRequest]. self closeModel]. "2- Selection dans la liste des modeles importables" tmp := self class modelsPath asFilename directoryContents asOrderedCollection. tmp isEmpty ifTrue: [self alert_NoModel. ^self]. tmp := tmp asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a < b]. choosenModelName := Dialog choose: self chooseModel fromList: tmp asList values: tmp lines: 8 cancel: [^nil]. "3- Suppression de VW du meme modele anterieur" (CormasNS.Models keys includes: choosenModelName asSymbol) ifTrue: [(Dialog confirm: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #stModelAlreadyInSystem)) ifFalse: [^nil] ifTrue: [aCategory := (CormasNS.Models at: choosenModelName asSymbol) category. Cursor wait showWhile: [| classes | classes := (CormasNS.Models at: choosenModelName asSymbol) allClasses. classes reverseDo: [:cls | cls removeFromSystem]. (CormasNS.Models organization listAtCategoryNamed: aCategory) isEmpty ifTrue: [CormasNS.Models organization removeCategory: aCategory. ChangeSet current reorganizeSystem]]]]. stFileName := (self class modelPath: choosenModelName asSymbol) construct: choosenModelName , '.st'. stFileName asFilename exists ifFalse: [Dialog warn: (UserMessage defaultString: '' key: #noStModelFilename). ^nil]. "self testParcelsRequired: stFileName." "4- Conversion 2001 - 2002" (Converter2001To2002 convertModel: choosenModelName for: self) isNil ifTrue:[^nil]. "5- Chargement du code des classes du modele: FILE_IN" Cursor wait showWhile:[(stFileName asFilename withEncoding: #Source) fileIn]. "6- Chargement eventuel des etats visuels des classes du modele" self currentModel: ((CormasNS.Models at: choosenModelName asSymbol) at: choosenModelName asSymbol). evFileName := (self class modelPath: choosenModelName asSymbol) construct: choosenModelName , '.ev'. evFileName asFilename exists ifTrue: [self readVSFile. self currentModel initializeWithVS] ifFalse: [self currentModel initialize]. self currentModel allClasses do: [:ent | ent activePov: nil]. self setModelVersion: self currentModel equalTo: stFileName asFilename. self displayModel: self currentModel. self currentModel visualStateIsOpen: false. self adjustOrganizationTo2002. self currentSimulation: self currentModel new. self createPdvDict. self resetSimulation. "7- Sauvegarde du fichier avec son ancien nom" self exportModelWithoutChoice. displayVersionOfModel: aModel "Display the model version on Cormas GU interface" aModel version isNil ifTrue:[aModel version: 'v-0']. self builder window label: self builder window label, ' version: ', aModel version setModelVersion: aModel equalTo: aFileName aFileName isString ifTrue: [aModel version: aFileName] ifFalse: [aModel version: aFileName tail] CormasNS.Kernel.Cormas