create a data type "Spatial entity" Reservatorio: CormasNS.Models.JogoMan1 defineClass: #Reservatorio superclass: #{CormasNS.Kernel.SpatialEntityAggregate} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'volume concentração myManager ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'JogoMan1Category' create a data type "Social Agent" AguaPura: CormasNS.Models.JogoMan1 defineClass: #AguaPura superclass: #{CormasNS.Kernel.Agent} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'cashbox treatmentCost myReservatorios ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'JogoMan1Category' create a method in the scheduler: buildReservatorio "aggregate cells of reservatorio" self spaceModel setAggregates: Reservatorio from: Cell verifying: [:c | c state = #agua]. self theReservatorios add: Reservatorio this method is called in init: self initCells: #init. self initAgents. self buildReservatorio. "I want to link the aggregation Reservatorio in variable "myResertarios" of AguaPura" self theAguaPuras do: [:c | c myReservatorios add: Reservatorio] "I want to link the aggregation AguaPura in variable "myManager" of Reservatorio" self theReservatorios do: [:c | c myManager add: AguaPura]. --------------------------------------------------------- AguaPura and Reservatorio have int your method: self myReservatorios: OrderedCollection new. OR self myManager: OrderedCollection new. The link to variable "myReservatorios" in AguaPura is OK, but the link "myManager" in Reservatorio isn't correct. Cormas don't know that myManager is a variable of Reservatorio. Can I link a aggregation of social agents in a variable? What's happening?