From VisualWorks® NonCommercial, 7.6 of lundi 3 mars 2008 on mercredi 6 août 2008 at 14:38:44 CormasNS.Kernel.CormasModel mouse behavior - spatial grid performCtrlRedButton: aSite "Ctrl Red Button (Ctrl Left Button) open a dialog box to add in a cell an instance of one of your classes inheriting from AgentLocation (social entity) or ObjectLocation (passive entity). This method must refine the method of your model, in the mouse behavior category Author : Jean-Max Estay" | locatedEntityClass classes | classes := OrderedCollection new. self class environment asOrderedCollection do:[:c| (#(AgentLocation AgentCommLocation GroupLocation GroupCommLocation ObjectLocation) refersToLiteral:(c superclass name)) ifTrue:[classes add: c. classes addAll: c subclasses. (c subclasses collect:[:sc| sc subclasses]) do:[:ssc| classes addAll: ssc]]]. locatedEntityClass := Dialog choose: 'Which located entity do you want to add?' fromList: classes values: classes buttons: #() values: #(nil) lines: 8 "max lines" cancel: [#noChoice]. locatedEntityClass = #noChoice ifFalse: [| new | new := self newEntity: locatedEntityClass. (aSite theOccupants at: locatedEntityClass name) add: new. new defineVisualState. new patch: aSite. new patch show]