MAS in the field of computer sciences

22-26 April 2002

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS),

Social Sciences and

Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)


Dr. A.Drogoul, University of Paris 6, France

Report on the training is available


  1. Dr. S. Jesdapipat ( University of Chulalongkorn Bangkok, Center of Ecological Economics)
  2. F. Bousquet (CIRAD-IRRI)


Course Objectives

To improve the level of understanding and mastering on MAS methodology and its application in simulation. Applications to collective robotics and collective intelligence.


Day 8h30-10h 10h30-12h 13h30-15h 15h30-17h
Monday 22 Opening Ceremony
Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems
Introduction to MAS Introduction to NetLogo Introduction to MAS

Tuesday 23

Application to simulation
Examples of simple simulations on NetLogo
Key problematics of multi-agent simulation Design and implementation of a simple social simulation in NetLogo
Wednesday 24
Problem solving
Multi-agent collective problem solving Demonstration and exercises Group work, presentation of on-going project Group work, presentation of on-going project

Thursday 25

Agent Architectures / Incremental design
Design and implementation of the collective sorting problem in
Social robots / Collective robotics Group work, presentation of on-going project
Friday 26
Multi-agent learning methods
Presentation of on-going projects Presentation of on-going projects Closing ceremony

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